The Cursed Kingdom

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Dedicated to YannickQ for helping me come up with then refine this idea. This one is for you. I hope you all like it.

The Cursed Kingdom

"Sweet little blossom...Grow...Please."

Finn frowned at the tiny, wilting daisy peeking up from the dark soil below. It was having trouble getting nutrients through its frail roots when fighting against the emerald green grass all around it. It was the only white flower as yet this early spring and it was struggling. Finn had been spending the better part of ten minutes trying to coax it back to life.

Cupping her hands around it, she touched a long, slender finger to the thin, delicate white petals. Browning as the flower died. It quivered at her touch but still didn't stand straight. No petals fell, at least.

Finn let out a quick breath, blowing an errant strand of hair from her face. The twisting brown lock was shorter than the rest of her waist length curls so it had a tendency to escape and fall right in front of her eye, tickling her nose.

Leaning in closer to the flower, Finn breathed gently on the daisy. She was laying out on her belly, her calf length skirt flaring out around her thighs as her legs kicked gently in the air. Her knitted blue shawl had fallen from her shoulders and sat against her brown dress and the green grass. Her shoes had been kicked off far back on the plains and she had set them down unceremoniously beside her when she had leaned down to touch the flower. The formerly brown flats had been stolen by her younger sisters a few days ago then returned yesterday embroidered with flowers.

They were now Finn's favorite shoes. She normally didn't even wear shoes, but she loved them so much that she couldn't help but bring them with her everyday. Sitting next to the shoes, tied shut, was the newly purchased travel bag from town.

Finn laid down in the grass for a while more, green eyes looking over a freckle speckled, pert nose at the dimming light of the flower. She was going to make this flower grow if she had to spend the next hour perched here in this grass. It was a matter of principle.

It didn't come to that. It only took another three minutes of pushing her energy into it before the dull light of the flower started brightening again along with Finn's face. A large smile broke out over her mouth creating twin dimples in her cheeks as the flower head perked up.

Bright, pealing laughter escaped from her throat as her feet kicked in excitement. It was such a little thing, but this flower would live. It meant a lot to her.

Mission accomplished, she pushed herself up again. The blood rushed from her head at the sudden movement and she had to sit there for a moment to catch her balance again. As her eyes blinked away the dizziness, she heard the soft rustling of grass to her right.

Turning, she beamed at the brown rabbit kit that jumped into her view. He lifted himself onto his back paws, little front paws curling in the air as his tiny pink nose twitched, exposing the soft white fur spread over his belly.

"There you are Ebow," Finn beamed, lowering her hand.

The rabbit kit was so tiny that he fit easily into her palm. She beamed, raising the baby rabbit up to her eyes. One of her other fingers reached up to gently pet him along the top of his head.

:What you doing?: The kit asked her curiously, nose twitching.

"I was bringing the flower back to life," she showed him her success. "See?"

:Pretty!: Her rabbit cooed in awe.

Finn laughed at the sound of his amazement. He was just a baby, everything was new and beautiful to him. It was nice to show him the world for just that reason. Every delighted reaction made her appreciate everything old anew.

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