Of Rumors and Lies

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Of Rumors and Lies

The messenger for Vallor came early in the morning. When he was lacing up his breeches, his chest bare and his lines in full view, he got the knock on his door. Before he could give the person outside permission to enter, the door opened.

The young man on the other side of the door had a very harried look on his face. He was thin and gaunt, as most people were these days, but he had a determined look in his face. His clothes marked him as a commoner but there was a very official appearing envelope in his hands. There were dirt stains on it.

The young man dropped into a low, sloppy bow.

"I'm sorry, my king!" He cried immediately, holding out the envelope without lifting from his waist high bow. "I've been given a message to bring to you."

"You're not a messenger," Vallor frowned, walking towards him.

"No, sire. I'm from a village east of here. I was paid to bring you this and I'll be given more when I return with proof that you received it. So can I have proof please?"

Vallor didn't respond immediately. He took the envelope from his hands and turned it over, looking at the wax seal. It was a very vibrant color of blue. A shade that only the elven provinces used because humans were incapable of producing such a bright dye.

The seal on the front was of the Rhyanon clan. His mother's clan.

Frowning, Vallor ripped open the envelope and unfolded it, pulling out a long message written with very elegant handwriting. Probably scribed by someone. His eyes ran over the contents quickly, frowning at the message within.

The Rhyanon clan had become aware that Enral Dalamar Rhyanon had stepped down as queen but remained in the kingdom in an official capacity as ambassador. The king of the Rhyanon clan had not approved such an appointment and he was sending someone to the capital city as a true ambassador with the intention of evaluating Enral, Vallor, and all of Endymythalian.

It was signed by the scribe who had taken the notes at the bottom. In larger, blockier letters above that, was the signature of the elf dictating the note.

Talen Samairnal Rhyanon

Vallor cursed, tossing the letter onto the bedside table. The young man continued to try not looking up at him while still checking to see if he remembered his required proof.

Vallor didn't speak to the young man as he walked around his desk. He scribbled out a quick note of assurance that he had received the message. No scribe, no great length. He wasn't a man who had time for such things anymore.

He quickly melted some red sealing wax and pressed his ring against it. Marking him, not as a member of the Endymythel clan but as the king of Endymythalian. Though he was now the last of the clan, he was a king first. A king of humans, as his father would say. Just as his father did, he refused to mark himself as only an elf.

The young man was relieved to receive the proof of receipt. He bowed somehow lower, thanking Vallor profusely as he walked backwards from the room. Vallor ignored him and moved over to where his shirt was waiting on the bed.

An ambassador. A proper one. Vallor knew better than to think that he was coming to replace Enral. He was coming to take her back to her clan. To cut ties of the clan to the dying Endymythalian.

The blow of such a thing would be immeasurable. Enral was probably solely responsible for the fact that his kingdom still managed to live at all. He absolutely could not allow her to be taken away. The message stated that Talen was due to arrive in four days. He had to warn his mother of his imminent arrival.

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