Repercussions of Acceptance and Denial

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Repercussions of Acceptance and Denial

"Ah, Enral. What a sight you make this lovely morning," Talen grinned over her. Admiring the way she was bent over, on her knees, as she tended to one of her vegetable patches. It was beautifully similar to a fantasy he enjoyed.

She looked up at him as he approached and, despite their height differences, still managed to look down her nose.

"You're up early, Talen. Usually it's not until lunch that I see you."

"Perfection takes time, my dear," he informed her, tossing back his long hair.

"Tell me the occasion, then, that has you up before noon." She wasn't even looking at him any longer. As if she didn't even care.

How he adored that disinterest. "As it happens, I simply couldn't sleep. Your son is rather...vigorous in his nighttime activities. How could a body be expected to remain asleep through such loud noises?"

"I managed just fine," she said primly.

"Indeed. You look very well rested this morning. An amazing feet for a woman who gets up early and goes to bed late. Of course, your style suffers because of it. I simply couldn't imagine someone walking through court in such a...common dress."

Enral didn't even look down at her gown. It was one of the best she could put on by herself since she no longer had her lady's maids to assist her. "I'm sure if I ever make it to court again, I'll put on something more befitting my station."

"I should dearly like to provide you such finery myself," Talen offered with a smile.

Enral stood calmly, dusting non-existent dirt from her skirt and hands. "How very kind of you, Talen. As you see, though, my job keeps me busy here."

"Job?" Talen scoffed with a laugh. "You're no longer ambassador, Lady Enral. That is my job now. It seems to me that you're growing these by your own personal choice. On embassy lands. I do believe that is a misappropriation of Rhyanon resources."

Enral froze and turned, her icy blue eyes flashing dangerously at his tone. "Are you threatening me, Talen?" Her voice was quite calm when she asked.

"Me? Perish the thought. I'm making you an offer, my darling."

"I don't want to hear it," she turned again.

"Oh, but you will. Or I will order this little garden of yours destroyed."

She stopped, as he knew she would. Talen smiled as he stepped closer. She didn't move when his fingers trailed familiarly over her arm and up to her neck.

"Of course, I wouldn't mind assigning some humans to work this garden for you. If you allow me to take you back to our clan. As my wife."

"Humans can not grow this garden as it needs to be."

Talen laughed derisively, stroking the soft skin under her jaw as though he had the right. "Enral, you are no fool. This land is doomed, we both know it. I'd be humoring you as surely as you're humoring yourself by doing this. I get it though."

"Do you?"

"Of course. Duty binds you here. I admire those who see to their duty so loyally. You feel as a former queen that you need to care for this place. It's very honorable. I appreciate it. But you're oaf husband is dead. He's no longer here to force his uncouth ways onto you."


"Yes, my dear," he came in closer, smiling at her closed off face. "We know you never liked him. You didn't even meet him until your wedding day. You were traded to ensure peaceful relations between our clan and what was then a powerful king. Endymythalian is falling now. You have no more connection to this place."

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