Shaman, Elves, and Earth Spirits

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Shaman, Elves, and Earth Spirits

It was the body wracking coughs that woke Finn. The smell of ash was heavy in the air. In her nose. It filled her lungs and, as she slowly returned to consciousness, it made her cough violently. Which, in turn, caused the large bruise on her stomach to ache painfully.

Her arms were weak when she pushed herself up. The ash and soot that coated her body flaked away as she lifted her eyes. The morning sunlight burned and she flinched but refused to turn away from the light. She looked around, confused and concerned.

It hadn't even been fully dark yesterday. Had she fallen asleep here after-


Sitting up quickly, Finn grabbed for her skirt but she knew it was no use. She could still remember all too painfully Ebow's cries as he was taken away from her.

"No..." Tears pricked at Finn's eyes at the limp weight of her pocket.

They couldn't fall though. She was too thirsty for her body to willingly give up water. She must have laid here all night while the town burned around her. It didn't sound like the flames were still flickering here. Or maybe they had just run out of things to burn.

As Finn pushed herself up, she could only see the charred and broken remains of the city. A few people milled about, just as ashen and breathless as herself. The rioters that had originally set fire to the streets were nowhere to be seen.

Cringing at the pain in her stomach, Finn started walking. Slowly. She had been laying outside all night and the curse had been draining on her too painfully.

Too quickly.

She didn't think she'd be able to make it back. Each step was a hard won battle. Without Ebow there was no way she would be able to survive this on her own.

But she had to. She had to get back to the castle. She had to warn Vallor.

She didn't make it very far when she was spotted. Not that she was able to move that fast in the first place. But a voice cried out for her as her feet stumbled from underneath her.

The next thing she knew, the smell of sweat and leather filled her nose as a soldier grabbed her. She didn't know him, but it didn't matter. He was one of Vallor's men.

"The embassy..." she gasped desperately. "Please..."

"Yes, lady shaman."

The man scooped her up, frowning at how little she weighed. He turned and began walking back towards the palace.

"Faster..." Finn pleaded on a weak whisper. She wasn't going to make it at this rate. Mother Mirayam was right. She was draining all the faster for being weaker.

The soldier frowned at her and immediately picked up the pace. The rocking of his steps as he jogged back towards the castle made Finn more nauseated. But she couldn't afford to fall back to sleep. She had to stay awake.

Or she might not wake up.

The curse was far heavier than she had realized. She knew it was bad. It had to have been or Libby might still be awake now. But without that one protection she had, Finn very nearly succumbed to drainage sickness just in the walk towards then around the palace.

Vallor was there between the embassy and the castle. Talking to his men. Organizing something. The search for her, she realized dimly.

"Sire!" The soldier holding her cried out, putting more speed into his tired legs. "I've found her!"


Vallor's voice was a welcome sound. But Finn couldn't react to it. It was taking all of her energy just to keep herself conscious. She wouldn't be able to move again. Not until she was put back on the embassy and could begin recovering.

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