A Shaman's Duty

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A Shaman's Duty

It had taken about two weeks for Finn to cross Endymythalian into Dalamerian. Every day of those two weeks had been sickening and draining. She woke every morning feeling more tired than the last and ended each day often passing into unconsciousness. It was sleep, technically, but it was never a choice so much as it was her body just collapsing.

So when Finn awoke that morning, she knew that something was different immediately. She no longer felt like she had been beaten with boards. She felt incredibly sore and heavy, like she had just recovered from winter's cough without aid of her own power, but it wasn't a bad feeling. For a long moment, laying in a very soft bed surrounded by the scent of vegetation and fresh water, she was absolutely certain that she had died.

Finn had no idea that rejoining the Earth would look so similar to life, but who was she to question the Earth spirits?

When she finally found the strength to open her eyes and look up at the ceiling, she began to think that maybe she wasn't dead at all. The realm that the Earth spirits was supposed to comforting and warm. The ceiling above her head, the room around her, while lovely, was very much based in the cold of reality.

Pushing herself up, gritting her teeth with the effort it took, Fin tried to figure out where she was just from looking around. And, more importantly, how she even got here.

This room...The way it was designed...This wasn't human architecture. The circular bed, the direct opposite of human rectangular beds, was very elven. As was the chair that resembled a blossoming flower. And the fire pit in the center of the room. Admittedly, Finn had only been to an elven principality the one time, but their distinct tastes were hard to forget. And it showed in the elaborate embroidery of the blanket laid gently over her body.

Panicking, she looked around quickly. "Ebow? Ebow, where are you!?"

:Finn? You wake?!:

She let out a sigh of relief when she heard her bunny's claws ticking against the wooden floor. She threw back the blanket and dropped her feet over the edge of the bed. She smiled down at the sight of her tiny bunny kit coming out from under the bed.

"How did you get down there?" She laughed, bending over for him.

He jumped into her palm and, as Finn brought him up, she looked around the room.

It was quite obviously the room of someone with wealth. But outside she could see greenery. There were freshly cut vegetables beside the bed begging her to partake. It wasn't a feast, but it was more than she'd had in a while.

And since her stomach was no longer in revolt, she could actually keep them down as she took a few grateful bites. She nearly moaned in pleasure at the sweetness of the carrots. It felt like it had been months rather than a few weeks since she had last been able to taste food.

Which brought up her previous question...

"Ebow, where are we?"

:Man take us here,: her bunny said, sniffing at the carrot in her hand.

"Man? What man?"

:Don't know. Funny man.:

"How was he funny?"

:Look funny.:

"Is that because he had silver lines somewhere on his body?"

:Yeah. Look funny. Weird nose. Weird hair. Wanted to eat it.:

So definitely an elf. Finn looked around, getting to her feet. She had to pause then to get her balance before falling backwards onto the bed. She let out a breath as she brought her carrot within biting distance of her rabbit. She let him eat it figuring he was probably as hungry as her.

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