Chapter 2

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I got out of my bed and went straight to the bathroom. I took a quick shower, brushed my teeth and so on. After coming out the bathroom and getting dressed I grabbed my bag, which I had gotten ready the night before. Interesting how that was a habit of mine which never left. The organisation.

I quickly made my way downstairs, I guess because I wanted to get out of here as soon as possible.

After mother's death, my dad still chose to stay in the same house. Something I strongly disagreed with. I mean how can he deal with this constant reminder? And how can he sleep in THAT room? His reason for staying would be along the lines of actually remembering her, despite the horrible memory along with it. I had decided that as I grew old enough to have a job, I will move out. Which will be very soon.

Putting that aside (which seems almost impossible), I entered the kitchen. I was greeted with yet another view. Only much more pleasant this time. It was my father. He made himself the busiest man on earth and I think I would have completely understood his reasoning, only if it wasn't for the fact that I felt completely deserted after that. As I was saying, him being almost always absent from my life and now making me breakfast was quite a sight. So I made my way towards the kitchen island and gave him a tight smile.

"Hello father. How nice of you to be making me breakfast for once!"

"Ahhh, if it isn't my long lost son. Just kidding. Good morning dear! I must apologise. I have been quite a bad parent haven't I? Can this yum breakfast make up for it?" he replied, feeling somewhat guilty.

"Meh. I wasn't really thinking of eating breakfast today," I commented with obvious sarcasm.

"Okay now, that is a complete no no for your health, dear."


"Take me seriously for once, will you?"

"Oh that I definitely do!" I laughed.

I quickly gobbled down the pancakes and drank up the hot tea. "See you later I guess?"

"Oh yes you will! I have the day off today just so that I can pay more close attention to my only son. Oh and eat slowly for once, will you?"

Ok, he was bordering insane.

"Goodbye dad," was all I replied with.

"Goodbye son, and work hard at school!"

Ha! As if I was ever going to do that again. I quickly grabbed my car keys, put on my schools shoes and made my way out the front door.

It felt great to breath in the fresh air. Not.

Now I had to go to school, and that I hated. For a second, I though of skipping school but then decided against it. Wouldn't want the school to get too nosy again. Last time they came all the way to my house, apparently because my attendance was very low and they, being responsible for me as a school, got worried about my whereabouts. As if they would ever care or get worried about someone like me.

Unlocking the door of my Range Rover, I got inside. Embracing myself, I drove towards the hell known as school, yet again.

As I drove inside the school parking, looking for a spot to park at, I spotted something else.

Jacob, my ex best mate, and Sarah, my ex girlfriend, were leaning on his car with her arms wrapped around his neck. They were surrounded by my ex sidemen, Daniel and Sam. Oh how very interesting. Jacob, who I once considered a close friend, now had everything that I once had. Including my position as the school football captain and also my position as the most popular guy of Sharon High. I guess he is a keen collector of second hand items.

However one thing he never had and never will, is my influence. Once I found a parking space and stepped out of my car, all their eyes landed on me. The minute I looked back at them, their eyes widened and they ran out the parking lot all the way towards the school as if their asses were set on fire. They might as well be. I snickered. What losers, acting like they own the school. Who would even want to own such a school? The principal of course!

I glanced at my wrist watch and noticed that it was only 2 minutes until the late buzzer rang. My registration room was on the other side of the school. Oh the inconvenience. Not that I cared about getting late though.

I just walked towards the school like the lion king.

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