Chapter 4

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"Hello everyone! My name is Alestine. Alestine Salvatore. Me and my family moved to this place quite recently and it was made explicit that I'll be going to this school. In fact I heard a lot about it and it strikes my interest," she effuses, looking at me mid sentence.

Creep. I think to myself. Also who on earth has a name like that?

"Alestine," exclaimed Mrs Smith, "I assure you that there is a lot to this school that will intrigue you. For example, the rich history behind this school, actually this schools is way older than my great great grandfather! Also with so many activities you can partake in, you will be socialising, learning and growing as a person all at the same time. I am sure after graduating you will feel like a whole new person. That's what school does to you. Especially this school."

There she goes again. Babbling on about school this and school that. I swear I felt like cutting off her tongue more than once. And there she was telling me about 'misconduct' and 'holding back the class'.

"Oh, I did get a little too excited there didn't I? If you ever have any questions, Alestine, feel free to consult me any time!" she said whilst looking around the class, probably for a spare seat.

Oh no.

"Great!" Mrs Smith points at my direction, "Sit over there next to that young lad".

Again, oh no.

Alestine locks eyes with me as she walks towards the empty seat. Right next to me.

"Hey, Mr Pretty Face," she smiles. A flirt. Great. Just great.

I ignore her and for the first time I look at the front, trying to pay attention to what Mrs Smith is talking about.

"What's with the frown, Mr Pretty Face?"

Seriously, she's starting to annoy me like an itch. "I ain't frowning, this is how I look. And stop calling me Mr Pretty Face," I say, sliding further near the edge of my seat.

"Frowning is a no no. It doesn't suit your pretty face."

What is she? My dad? I reply with a bigger frown.

"So um.. Mr Pret-"

"Stop already," I hiss with my voice full of venom.

"Look I was just going to ask you how everything works at this school and since I am new, what are you supposed to do at registration?" she questions, clearly oblivious  of my detest towards her.

"You sit and listen to the tutor go on and on about school news and stuff," I reply.

"Uh.. Is that it?" she says, "is that all you do in these.." she looks down at her timetable before continuing, "20 minutes of registration time?"

"Yes that's all you do. Anything else?" I say impatiently.

"So... Tell me more then?" she asks.

"Tell you what?" I ask back.


"About what?"

"Maybe the school? I mean we are at school aren't we?"

I just shrug my shoulders, clearly not wanting to talk to her anymore. She takes the message and stops talking, remaining quiet for the remainder of the time.

After a while the buzzer rings. Thanking the escape I get up to leave just like everyone else  when I am stopped by, no one other than, Alestine.

"Mr Pretty Face?" she raises an arched eyebrow, knowing that I hate the nickname.

"What?" I reply.

"I will keep calling you that unless you actually introduce yourself to me, it's what's you should have done anyways."

I sigh. Wanting to get her off my nose I say, "Jayden Zoric."

She laughs. She full on laughs right in front of my face. Her cheeks turning a cute shade of pink.

"Zoric? Did I hear that right? Zoric?" she wipes a tear.

"Yes, you heard it right. What's so funny about a surname, Miss Palestine?"

That shut her off. I smirk.

"Palestine? Ok now you are crossing the line."

"You called for that one."

She makes a weird face and rushes out the door, clearly losing the name war.

I also opt for the door and right when I am about to walk out the room, someone bumps into my chest. I look down to notice that familiar charcoal hair.

"Lost?" I ask.

She looks up, smiling. "No I just ran into a wall. Of course I am lost."

"Where is your room?"

"Uh.. It's 2R?"


"Yes! How did you know?"

"Because I might also happen to have the same lesson as yours."

"Great, now let's go. I don't want to be late on my first day at school."

"Just follow behind me," I mutter, as I begin to walk forward.

I feel someone forcefully yank my arm, pulling me back. I almost trip over my own feet by the unusual strength as I come face to face with Alestine.

"Listen up Mr Don't Call Me Pretty Face. I don't follow. I always lead or walk side by side. So chose between the two!" she demands firmly.

Taken aback by her extraordinary strength and what she actually said, it takes me a while to find my voice.

I finally say a petty: "Ok walk beside me, just don't lose pace."

She smiles warmly once again. As if she didn't just manhandle me there. I continue to walk, making sure she's there.

After what she did, I definitely got surprised. I need to be careful around this strange woman. God knows what other tricks she has up her sleeves.

Author's note: Hello there! Thanks for reading everyone :D

It touches my heart every time I see a reader approach this book and leave a vote or a lovely comment behind. I have to dedicate this chapter to two people who really seem to be showing me great support and they cheer me up with their encouraging comments. So thank you Writer17x and crescent_ for all that amazingness!


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