Chapter 8

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I just want to dedicate this chapter to Family_Duty_Honour and Dulcet_Glow for being great supporters for various different and similar reasons. I should have done this dedication a tiny bit sooner but oh well!

Go ahead and read on..


When Alestine walks through my bedroom door, I notice her attire. She's wearing a loose white tank top and ripped boyfriend jeans accompanied with white adidas shoes. Her hair is in a bun. What do girls call it? A messy bun. 

She starts taking her shoes off.

Wait what?

Then she hops onto my bed and makes herself comfortable. Settling under the duvet.

"What on earth do you think you're doing?" confusion and slight annoyance etching my face.

She gives me a 'cute' smile and looks at me with puppy dog eyes.

"Well.. I might be here for a while so why not? Plus I am quite tired right now," she flutters her lashes.

That won't work on me.

"Look I don't care whether you are tired or not, this is my bed. Which means I want you out of it," I reply, my right eye twitching.

"Oh come on. Don't be such a wuss!"

"Get. Out. Of. My. Bed. You are an uninvited guest Miss Palestine."

"Damn you, Mr Grumpy Face. You will probably die alone if you keep that up. It's not like you 'invite' anyone anyways," she says, finally getting out of the bed and putting her shoes on.

"It's up to me whether I want to do that or not," I say, taking out the chair from underneath the study table, "Here. Sit on this chair."

"Argh. It's so cold and lonely in here. Well at least you have a little bit of chivalry left in you."

"Alright. Enough of the talking, just hand me the notes and go," I say, crossing my arms over my chest.

"What? Oh come on. I though you wouldn't be that bad of a person. How can you push me out when I just got here?"

"I have no idea what sort of game you're trying to play. First you pop out of nowhere, then you invade my room along with my bed and now you want to what? Talk to me? Have a party?" I say.

"Listen. I'm sorry. I just wanted to see how you're doing, after all you didn't come to school for two days. I was just worried about you."

"It's only two days and it's not like you're close to me. We only saw each other twice, that doesn't make us anything."

"Well, how about we be friends?"

"Haha. Wait can you repeat that?" I let out a fake laugh.

"What's so funny about that?" she frowns.

"What is not funny about that? Us? And friends? You must be screwed!"

"There is nothing wrong with being friends! I mean we get along just fine."

"No we don't. I, for example, can't stand being around you."

"Really? Well you can't stand being around anyone except your dad. Even with him, I'm guessing, you don't interact much."

Trust be said. She is right for once.

"When have I ever been wrong?" she smirks.

"Huh? I didn't say that aloud, so how could you..."

"Ah! It's nothing! Probably a coincidence," she starts fidgeting about, "I wonder what your dad's doing. Isn't he taking long?"

As if on cue, the door opens, followed with dad who's holding a tray.

"Were you guys getting along? Here, I brought some home baked chocolate chip cookies, that I made earlier, with some milk!"

"Milk? Are we babies-"

"Oh I love milk! Thank you so much Mr Zoric," she says, grabbing the tray off dad.

How amusing, I think. A smile escaping to the surface.

"Oh you don't need to call me that! Just call me Dave. I will just leave you two bunnies to munch away then," he turns to look at me and leaves with a wide grin on his face, closing the door behind him.

Dad and his wild imagination. I must remind him at some point that, we are only acquaintances.

"Well at least that's better than nothing," Alestine speaks.


"Oh I was just talking about these cookies. I didn't have breakfast earlier but at least these are better than an empty stomach. In fact, your dad's cookies taste heavenly. You are so lucky to have a dad who can bake," she smiles at me then avoids my gaze.

"Yeah well.. you're right. My dad is pretty cool."

"So uh.. Cookies?"



"Uh, no thank you."

"Fine. That's more for me then!"

Author's goddamn note:

I as a reader loathe long and boring author's  notes but as writer I understand why I need to write them. So that people can know me a little more. Also to get you lazy readers to interact with the book, instead of being a silent reader! Of course that doesn't mean I don't love you all :)

Anyways I decided to keep this chapter a LITTLE shorter than the usual ones. Don't ask me why. I just hope that you still like it!

Please vote if you did and also comment your heart away (if you feel like, that is). I will see you soon in the next chapter.


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