Chapter 15 (Alestine PoV)

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A/N: Yay! Early update! But that's not the surprise ;} Two of the readers suggested that I switch to Alestine's PoV. Now I will be doing that, but you guys needs to know how lucky you are because I wouldn't have done that. Never ever. Mainly because by doing so I would be having to give away a secret. I can't be doing that so I'll work around the secret. Hehehe. So go ahead and read! I will only do it once ~


Alestine's PoV (one golden time)

My mind had been wrapped around that day much more than I had anticipated. I didn't know that agreeing to go to a party would put me in such a turmoil.

I've never been a party animal, heck I've never been to a party before. So one would think that if I had agreed, I would have to be very keen on going. That I would be fuming with excitement and confidence.

I am anything but excited. However when it comes to confidence, I feel plenty of that.

I recall the conversation I had with Jayden after his 'ex friends' had left.

"You can't be serious Alestine," he says. His forehead creasing like it usually did when he was confused and curious.

"I am. I am very serious with what I said," I reply, trying to contain myself from laughing out loud at his reaction.

He squints at me, as if trying to see through me. Then shakes his head whilst whispering, almost inaudible, "Fine. We'll talk about it later." 

He gave up. I made him give up. That would have felt like an accomplishment if it wasn't for the fact that he has changed. He's no longer someone stubborn who won't stop unless things go his way. He's more like a defeated soul now.

He needs help. I try and not look at him as a project. As something that needs restoration. But I can't help it. He's like a walking talking worn out vending machine. One with huge dents, faded paint and broken mechanism.

I had promised myself that I will fix those dents until he's back in shape. Add a new coat of shiny paint so he looks all new. And rewire the mechanism or replace it if I have to.

Anything to make him happy again. Anything to take away the shadows in his eyes.

His light blue orbs still startle me. No matter how much I look at them, I still strangely feel like I'm vulnerable. I've never seen eyes like that before. I would have said that they're mesmerising but they're also intimidating on a whole new level.

He couldn't have got them from his father, his are a dull grey. Then it must be his mother.

His mother. That woman has suffered. She carried the guilt of her deceased daughter. And that guilt undid her slowly until she could take it no more.

I can't help but notice that the same is happening to Jayden. He too is guilty. The poor guy blames himself for his mother's death.

Their whole family seems to be under an unchangeable curse. One which I had taken upon myself to take away, before it does any more damage.

I sink down onto my inflatable bed with a sigh. The weight of this has finally hit me. I have to be careful. I have to try my very best or else failure would be inevitable.

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