Chapter 1

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"Well... This the end I guess. And it's only my second year as the ninja," Randy chuckled softly as his vision went black. Around Randy, the entire school crowded around him, the ambulance was coming while the people hoped that the Ninja was still alive. "Ninja!" Howard dashed forward to Randy's lifeless body and checked for a pulse. 'No...... pulse...' He thought as he took a step back in shock, tripping over the air and landing on his butt. "No... This can't be real! He can't be dead!" Howard yelled brokenly, then dashed away, tears falling freely.

Randy opened his eyes to see... nothing. Black. Black was everywhere except his body. "Heh, I'm dead. I'm very sure that I'm dead." Randy looked around, till a round, bright circle appeared, the moon. 'Randy, you are not to die and be reincarnated yet, you are still needed. Needed to be the Spirit of Spring.' Randy turned himself so that he is facing the moon and stared. "This is weird... Okay, Mr Moon, I accept." The former Ninja smiled as his world turned black again.

"Ugh... That was so not bruce." Randy groaned as he sat up and looked around. He was sitting by a frozen lake, surrounded by tall trees covered in frost. It was night time and a full moon was up in the sky, shining down, making the snow glitter. "Wow... This beautiful." Randy said in awe. He looked down at himself and noticed that a few changes had been done to his clothes. Randy wore his old McHoodie, but instead of the usual green, it was grey in colour with a red lining around the ninja symbol on his back. His redshirt was now a white shirt with the same symbol as before but on red. Randy's shoes, instead of the maroon coloured, was white with a red base. He felt around his clothes and found all his ninja equipment except the Nomicon. 'Must have chosen a new ninja to replace me by now...' Randy thought sadly as he got up and walked around.

Once he turned, he saw...


Cliff hangers, you got to love them. Anyway, Sasa here and this is the first chapter of 'The Ninja Guardian!' Feel free to comment and help me to spot any errors in this and future chapters as I know that I am prone to mistakes. And please be informed that what I write here might not be possible or the same concept as the movie as I have not watched the movie at all. Those of you who read my other story, 'The New Guardian' should know that. I hope you enjoyed this chapter and I will see you in the next chapter of 'The Ninja Guardian' !

Sasa Out! 

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