Kind of Sleepy

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I looked at Ryder wide eyed but he didn't even acknowledge me. He kept walking. I felt my mouth drop to the floor. I would be sharing a room. I would be sharing a bed. I would be sharing a bed with Ryder. I shuffled my feet and quickly scurried after him. When we got to the room I stopped and gasped. It was huge, with two walk in closets; the girls was much bigger then the guys closet. The room had a giant king sized bed in the middle.

"This is where you will be staying, so you may unpack the closet is yours" Ryder spoke.

"Um Ryder?'' I asked sheepishly.

"Yes baby girl" He raised a perfectly shaped eyebrow.

"I'm kind of sleepy" I told him as I looked at my feet.

"You can get changed in the bathroom" He tossed one of his shirts at me which I caught.

"Um Ryder you told me to pack my bags so I have my own pajamas" I said confused.

'' I want you to wear my clothes'' He doesn't elaborate to as why I have to wear his clothes and he shoots me a look as if he was daring me to question him. I do not dare. No thank you. I scurry off to the bathroom. I take of my pants and put on some pajama shorts that have ducklings on them. His shirt is a super soft cotton. The shirt is way to big for me it reaches all the way down to my knees completely covering my super cool ducking shorts. His shirt smells enticing like musk and cologne.

I step out of the bathroom and Ryders head snaps in my direction. Ryder gives me a once over then nods in approval. I notice is shirtless wearing sweat pants and I intake a sharp breath. His eight pack is perfectly sculpted and on full display. His shoulders are wide, broad, and strong so I struggle to tear my gaze away from is amazingly toned chest. This does not go unnoticed by him as he shoots me a smirk. I look down at the ground to hide my cheeks that I can feel heating up.

"I like your blush, its cute." Ryder announces. Ironically his statement causes me to blush even more.

I walk over to the right side of the bed and snuggle into the blankets. The pillow feels like a heavenly marshmallow and the blankets a luxurious silk. The bed even smells like Ryder which seems to calm the nerves in my stomach caused by being in a new environment. I feel the bed dip beside me and Ryders presence suddenly feels ten time more intimate. Ryders large arms wrap around my tine waist and his head finds the crook in my neck. Ryders breath against the sensitive skin causes me to shiver.

"Good night Ryder." I say.

"Good night Baby girl." And with that I fall into a deep and calming sleep.

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