Tree Stump

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I was currently trying to cover the hickey on my neck. Makeup is expensive and I'm wasting it on a stupid hickey. Damn Ryder. I hope he drowns in the toilet. I should definitely get him back for this. It's good I have the perfect plan for revenge.

I shall fill his shoes with mayonnaise.

It was 9 in the morning which meant Ryder was likely already gone at meetings. This means I could easily sneak down stairs and commit my very illegal crime. Okay not really illegal. Wait. Could this be destruction of property? Then it would be illegal. Maybe? Who really cares though? Not me.

My tiring journey down the stairs ended and I walked down the hall toward the kitchen. I summer-salted into the kitchen just to be safe. Because when in doubt, roll it out.

I think that reference was talking about weed instead of summer-salts. Huh.

I grabbed the mayonnaise and scurried back to the room. I successfully squirted about a cup of mayonnaise into Ryder's combat boots. I guess he was wearing his work shoes at his meetings. Huh. If I ever had a meeting I would probably go barefoot. It was clear to me that Ryder had difficulty controlling his anger and therefore my plan to put mayonnaise in his combat boots was undoubtedly terribly unintelligent. However, I simply had no fucks left to give.

I decided to make myself some cereal while I waited for Ryder to come home.

I was simply eating my frosted flakes when all of a sudden a loud bellowing voice yelled, "What the fuck?!" The voice was male but it definitely wasn't Ryder's. I knew Ryder's yelling voice very well.

Now, this sparked my curiosity. I chose to abandon my cereal and go check it out. I left the kitchen and shuffled down the hallway towards the I shuffled out of the front door. I kept my body pressed against the wall and just peeked head out. I saw a large bald man with tattoos up his neck and arms attempting to balance on one foot. When I looked down at his foot I saw his black sock decorated in mayonnaise. Shit. I got the wrong shoes. This man was burly. But not in the way Ryder was burly. Ryder was burly like a street fighter. This guy was burly in the way that he kinda reminded me of a tree stump.

The man started to look around in confusion and anger. We made eye contact and stared at each other. I wasn't sure what to do so I decided to smile impishly. That apparently was not the right decision because he narrowed his eyes in response.

"You did this." He said. He didn't say it like it was a question but stated it like was fact.

"No." I lied.

"Your hiding behind a wall." He stated. The tree stump man scowled and clenched his fists. This would have intimidated any average teenage girl but didn't have any impact on me for two reasons. The first reason being that I grew up with Ryder and have plenty experience with violent angry outbursts. The second reason being that it was difficult to find him intimidating when was only standing on one foot and held his mayonnaise covered foot in the air.

"I'm checking on the structural integrity of this wall." I lied again. My cover story was flawless. I was great at lying. Cheating husbands everywhere were trembling at my lying skills.

"If you didn't do it, then who did?" He asked.

"Wes." I answered.

His eyes stopped narrowing and now glistened in amusement. "Your telling me that the second in command of this gang took time out of his day to put mayonnaise in my shoe?"

"Yes. Now if you will excuse me I have more walls to inspect and would very much like to continue on with my work without any more of your foolish interruptions." I felt like my lie was become less believable and I wanted to subtract myself from this situation before Ryder got home and scolded me.

"Um?" Tree Stump scratched the back of his next looking quite confused. I took that as my opportunity to turn around and sprint back up to the bedroom before Tree Stump asked any more questions.

I stayed in my room for a few hours watching TV. Then I heard Ryder's heavy footsteps approach the door and turn the knob. He walked into the room and stared at me sitting on the bed. I didn't know what he was looking at.

"Um is there something in my teeth?" I asked. Ryder didn't answer he just continued to step closer to me.

"You covered your hickey." He stated.

"I didn't want people to think I'm a slut." I explained.

"Your not a slut. It marks you as mine. I don't like you covering it up like your single, it makes me vary angry." His hands clenched into fists.

"I promise I'm not trying to act single. I was feeling insecure." I explained.

Ryder leaned in closer to my ear and whispered, "Don't worry baby, next time I'll leave them in places others can't see."

It's been a long time but I made promised not to abandon this story so here we are lol.
If you've actually been waiting for me to update I'm really sorry. Feel free to leave a comment here and I can apologize to you personally.

Lost of love, your boi Sky

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 25, 2020 ⏰

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