Oh You Wait Mister

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Sorry the last chapter was really short and this one is short as well. Let me know if you want more frequent short chapters or less frequent long chapters. The chapters may take time to come through but know I will not abandon this book and the chapters will always come.

When I was in Ryders arms it was bliss. I was able to forget all the bad things that had happened to me in my life. I enjoyed that I was forgetting and that was dangerous. I don't want to forget the things that happened to me, they made me who I am. The things that happened to me defined me. They made me stronger.

I'm not like the other girls that your read about. When something bad happens to them they become fragile and broken. But me, I became solid Steele. I had taken so many beatings in my life that I no longer allowed myself to feel pain. I was weak before but I am strong now. I wont allow the comfort Ryder provides to take away my struggles and allow me to be weak.

I got out of the bed quietly so Ryder wouldn't wake. I grabbed some clothes and went to the bathroom. I shrugged on black skinny jeans, combat boots, an army green t-shirt and a leather jacket. My clothes were worn and dirty but that was what I was used too. I left the room. I found a kitchen that was way to deluxe for me to even be setting foot in. I grabbed a red apple.

I heard thumps coming down the stairs and an angry Ryder emerging. "You didn't tell me you left. Next time you tell me"

''I don't have to tell you anything. You don't own me" I said sternly.

Ryder walked towards me slowly. His large frame moving closer to mine intimidated me but I was not going to show it. I stood my ground as he stalked towards me like a predator stalking its prey. His body soon pressed against mine trapping me in between him and the kitchen counter. I felt the cold marble counter against my back. Ryder lowered his head so his lips were at my ear. "You are mine and to think any differently would be foolish. Your a smart girl Alexis. Don't be foolish"

I pushed against his chest bud he didn't budge an inch. "Ugh let me go!" I huffed.

Ryder just stared blankly at me. I quickly duck under his arm that was pressed against the cabinet beside my head. "You didn't write for years! You could have at least shown you cared!" I was enraged. Him not writing caused me to lose hope. And hope is what kept me going.

"I didn't care? I DIDNT CARE. I FOUGHT FOR YOU EVERY SINGLE DAY. I MADE A LIFE SO YOU COULD BE HAPPY. I PROTECTED YOU BECAUSE IT WAS MY JOB. I KEPT YOU SAFE WHEN NO ONE ELSE DID. YOU ARE MINE. YOU BELONG TO ME. BE UNGRATEFUL IF YOU WANT BUT IM STILL GOING TO BE HERE. IVE ALWAYS BEEN HERE." Ryder, shouted. I seen Ryder upset before but never at me. He terrified me. His words made me feel stupid. Ryder didn't write because he didn't want anyone finding out about his weaknesses.

Ryder stormed out of the room. I tried to run after him but I was met face to face with the door. I jiggled the door nob but it was locked. What the hell. Dis bitch did not just lock me out. I banged my small fists rapidly against the door and shouted profanities at an imaginary Ryder who I knew was not there. When he gets back I will kill him.

Ryder may have faced off drug lords but he had yet to face off a pissed of 5'1 white bitch. Oh I was gonna glare at him so much.



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