Gravity Disorder

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I woke up surprisingly early today. I made a move to get out of bed but Ryder's thick arm was secured around my waist. I tried to wiggle my way out but his grip only tightened.

"Release me!" I shouted. Ryder raised his head groggily with squinted eyes.

"What?" He asked in a husky morning voice.

"I have to pee!" I explained. Ryder lifted his large arm off me and I scurried into the bathroom to do my business. When I returned Ryder had fallen back to sleep. So of course I smacked his sleeping form. Ryder wasn't too happy about that and proceeded to cuss me out.

"We are going to home depot to but the materials for the chicken coop today! Remember?" I was eager to leave and he barley had his eyes open.

"Sadly." He muffled because his face was shoved into his pillow.

I grabbed some clothes and shuffled into the bathroom to get ready. I slipped on some leggings, a grey cropped hoodie and a pair of Uggs.

When I exited the bathroom Ryder's eyes widened. "No."

No? What does that mean? "Huh?" I asked completely clueless.

"Shows too much skin. You must change." Ryder said in a tone that suggested his statement was not to be argued. However, I argued.

"But I like this hoodie. It's super cute."


"I'm not changing."

"Then we will not be leaving." Ryder glared. I know I should not be arguing with a gang leader but I mean if no one comes from the future to stop you how bad of a decision could it really be.

I tried to run past him and down the stairs but his thick arm wrapped around my waist and secured around me like a metal chain.  I shifted my body so I was looking him directly in his eyes and I did my best attempt at a scary glare.

Ryder matched my glare with one of his own that was far more intimidating. I was trying to stand my ground when I noticed out of the corner of my eye that Sandy was pooping on my hairbrush.

"Tonight I will pray to Thor that your arm falls off." I said flatly. I didn't wait to hear Ryder's reply because I turned on my heel and scurried to change. I ended up throwing on a random gray t shirt and zip zip zapped down the stairs.

When I arrived downstairs Ryder gave me a nod of approval. I rolled my eyes and bolted out the door repeatedly yelling shotgun. It really don't make sense because there was only two of us and I doubted Ryder was going to let me drive one of his fancy cars however, I enjoy shouting hysterically. It's a hobby of mine.

My daily hobby was cut short when I tripped. I'm not clumsy. I just have gravity disorder. Despite my gravity disorder I also have quick reflexes. I tried to grab onto something to catch my self. I ended up grabbing a strangers pelvic region. I looked up from my new habitat on the floor to see said stranger toppled over in pain. It was understandable considering I literally just attempted to hang on to his dick for my life. I wasn't a sweet innocent girl who was good at making apologies. "Uh I didn't mean to grasp your Alvin and the chipmunks. My bad." It wasn't a perfect apology but it will have to do.

"You bitch! You injured my weapon of ass destruction!!!" Stranger guy exclaimed much to dramatically. All I did was unexpectedly crush his womb broom in my flailing hand.

He was a very attractive dude with black hair, deep brown eyes and a muscular tan body. Ryder and I didn't exactly have a label and at this point I was willing to throw all my eggs in the basket because why not. Instead of a flirty pick up line I opted for, "Should we have sex now?" The guy looked at me like I was insane. I was not insane. This whole situation was his fault because he had a penis.

It was then that Ryder decided to make an appearance. His jaw was clenched and he looked about ready to punch stranger guy. In fact, he did just that. Ryder continued to beat the guy to a pulp while I contemplated of asking if we should have sex now was too forward.

Stranger guy was now unconscious. Ryder still bombarded him with strong fists. Me? Oh I decided to go get a glass of orange juice.

I reached the kitchen and poured myself a glass. Just as I was putting the jug of orange juice back. The fridge door was slammed closed harshly in front of my face.

Ryder then knocked the glass of orange juice out of my hand and it spilled all over the floor. "Heyyyy, not cool dud..." I was cut off when Ryder slammed my back against the counter. I was able to avoid his gaze which I'm sure was flaming by starring straight into his chest. Suddenly Ryder grabbed me by the hips and placed me roughly on the counter so I was equal with his towering height.

"You are mine. Mine." He said standing in between my legs. "You think you are tough Alexis but I will kill anyone who dares touch what's mine." He whispered into my ear and I shivered in pleasure. "Do you want me to kill someone Alexis?" He said while lowering his head into my neck. "Do you want that kind of blood on your hands?" I took a sharp intake of breath when I felt his lips hit my collar bone.

"N-no." I managed out as he began to kiss up and down my neck.

"Who do you belong to?" He asked demandingly while sucking harshly on my neck no doubt leaving a hickey. I struggled to hold in a moan.

I stubbornly decided not to answer and Ryder's grip on my waist tightened almost painfully. He continued his attack on my neck and I let out a strangled "You."

Ryder's strong hips ground into me harshly making me moan out loudly. I desperately wanted Ryder to Continue what he was doing but I was suddenly being dragged by my small bicep in the direction of our room. My mind was still a little foggy from the steamy moment and before I knew it I found myself locked in Ryder's room.

"What about the chicken coop?" I screamed through the door.

"I'll have someone build it." He sharply replied.

I kicked the door angrily. Great now I have to find a way to cover this damn hickey.

Lots of love, your homegirl Sky

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