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• suicide - when one takes their own life

Not many like to talk about the issue of suicide. It is a very sensitive topic that no one wants to hear because it is very tragic. You might know someone close to you who suicide or maybe someone you aren't close to but know from a distance. I knew someone who suicided, but I wasn't close to that person. It was very sad and tragic for the family who lost a loved one, and for the friends who were close to that person. Even though I didn't know who that person was, it was really sad to witness someone who took their life away because of what they were going through in life.

You might be thinking, why do people suicide? What were they thinking before they committed? We may never know, but we know for sure that no one deserves to take their own life away.

When a person commits suicide, you know there has to be reasons why they did it. It must be something that has been dragging on for a very long time that when they finally snapped, they decide to end their life. People don't die for nothing. There has to be something that made them so depressed to the point they were willing to die to make others happy.

You must watch out for anyone who you know that may be getting close to suicide.

Signs that will help you know if someone is hinting about suicide:  

- they always seem sad and depressed when you talk to them 

- they isolate themselves from you, your friends, and their family 

- they don't keep much in contact 

- they seem to care less about everything more and more 

- they might skip school, activities, latest events, etc. 

- they might disconnect their phone, delete their Facebook or any other Internet network sites, etc. 

- they might throw all their belongings and materials away 

- they cut their arm(s)  or else where on their body

- they look messy, like they haven't been cleaning themselves up lately 

- they might look very tired from all the stress and sleepless nights

These are some signs but are not limited to these. You can help yourself by putting it in your mind the next time you happen to notice if someone is thinking about suicide, you will know.

Suicide is a very serious life issue. A lot of people laugh and poke fun at the word suicide, but it's not a joke at all. People who are thinking about attempting suicide could really be in danger. You may never know if your friend was the one who turned out to want to take their own life. You may never know if you turn out go be suicidal. Anything can happen so that's why suicide should be taken seriously. Suicide is a very dark place that sometimes someone can't get out of and think about everyday. Just wanting to end their life is heartbreaking and tragic.

If you happen to be thinking about suicide or attempting anything close to, please do not hesitate to talk to your family, friends, or anyone else close to you that you're in need of help. Don't think you're alone because there are many other people who are going through the same feelings you are too.

People who think about suicide aren't just young teens, but can be older people too. It can range from all ages. We do hear more from young teens because it's exposed more towards teenagers, but it doesn't stop there.

Sometimes it's hard to tell if someone is suicidal when they show no signs or symptoms. They probably most likely keep everything to themselves and try to cover up what's killing inside them. They can also be in denial that they are suicidal. Sometimes they think so much about suicide that they are immune to it. They think it's "normal" or "ok" to have suicidal thoughts, but in reality, it's really unhealthy. They need immediate help.

If you feel in any way that you are having thoughts about suicide, please do not hesitate to private message me. Everyone needs someone to talk to. I may be a stranger on wattpad, but I know I'm closer to knowing how people feel when it comes to suicide.

This is for someone who is thinking about suicide. You don't have to read but it's there for anyone who wants to read it. I wrote this message for someone who posted a discussion about how they were asking if they should suicide. I won't mention their name because it's for their own privacy but feel free to read on:

Imagine if you weren't here anymore. Would that make you feel better? Would you know how you feel after suicide? You wouldn't know if there was life after death. Nobody knows. The point is, if you attempt suicide now, you would have never known how your life is in the future. You'd be missing out on what your life has planned. Anyone's life is more precious than they think it is. Trust me, I had lots of personal issues in life too. There were times when I did reminense on if I did suicide, how would everyone feel? Would I be missed or would no one care? Would I just be invisible? It is a very scary and dark mentality to enter into. Every time I thought about suicide, I had to keep reminding myself to pull myself out before I got too far. Before my mind took control of me. You have to be stronger. You have to fight that little voice in your head that's making you feel depressed and worthless. There's so much more to life than thinking about suicide. You'll never know what your future holds if you end your life right now. Wouldn't you wanna find out what life you'll be experiencing? What kinds of things you never thought you could do? Wouldn't you wanna look back into your past when you grow up and say: "I am really glad I chose to continue my life because my life is not done writing its own story yet." You were made beautifully unique. No one can take that away. I'm sure you wouldn't want to take yourself away either.

I dedicate two songs to you:

"Angels Cry" - Everlife

"The Sun Will Rise" - Kelly Clarkson

If you want to take the time and chance to listen to both, I hope you will. Listen to them and take it to heart that your life matters. You are stronger than the problems in your life. You're still young. You haven't experienced much of your life yet. You have a long way to go. Wouldn't you wanna know what steps you'll take? You'll find out if you believe in yourself to move on each day. Those dark thoughts that cloud your mind, take them to use to focus on better things in your life. Write a book, poem, draw, play sports, scrapbook, or whatever it is that keeps your mind off your depression. Every time you think about the darkness or attempt to do anything to take your own life away, stop to think about how far you've gone, and you wouldn't want to miss out on such a big part of living your own life. This is your life. Everything you do effects your life now. THERE IS ONLY ONE YOU IN THIS WORLD.


~ UPDATE: 1.8.13 ~

I just added a video to the side:

Mad World | Suicide Awareness Music Video | Young Willy --->

I thought it was a great song and video. A deep message that makes you think and really look around you. Thank you for watching.

(Ohmygosh...I just realized I posted this chapter exactly a year ago! :O How ironic is it that I update this a year later by adding a video? What?! Coincidence? I think not. =) )

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