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I dedicate this to cittycait. She gets bullied everyday because she's bisexual. The bullies will hold her down and won't stop to hit her until she gets a broken bone or gets close to death. The worse thing is, no one has a heart to even care to help her. Everyone looks at her like she's evil or ungodly. Those people are inhuman to see her get beat up everyday and do nothing.


• homosexual - one who is attracted to their same gender

You always hear about boys and girls. A perfect romantic love story, right? How about girls and girls? Boys and boys? When you think about two same genders, is it a perfect love story? The fact is, there is no perfect love story.

Love stories are fake. What's real is that people are not use to homosexuals or the idea of homosexuals. They think since for so long that opposite sexes have been destined to love each other, the same sexes can't be.

What they don't understand is that some homosexuals are born to be homosexual. Some don't choose to be, they just are. It is proven that homosexuality can be determined by genetics.

• Androphilia or androsexuality - sexual attraction to men or masculinity

• Gynephilia or gynesexuality - sexual attraction to women or femininity

These are genes that males and females inherit when they're born which is why it determines their orientation. Some deny that it's genetic. People just think that homosexuals just come up with this idea of sexuality, but it's not like that. Once you are born homosexual, you can't force to be changed into heterosexual. Some studies say that there were some homosexuals that changed their orientation to heterosexual through counseling, but it was very uncommon.

The truth is, you can't fight biology. Genetics are the proof whether people like/agree with it or or not. You can change someone's outer appearance, but you can't change the way how their body and mind grows.

So, you're probably wondering why I choose to post this topic up. I feel that too many people misunderstand homosexuality. Homosexuals are insulted, misunderstood, and bullied just for who they are. Why? Why do people choose to bully those who are different? Is being different really wrong? This world has a lot to learn.

While the world is just watching, homosexuals are confused about their life. They were born for who they are. Bullies never stop teasing so homosexuals are questioning if they were meant to be born evil or ungodly. They even want to kill themselves because they think who they are is wrong and that the world is right. The world is dead wrong. Just because someone is different, it doesn't make that person any less of a human.

If you want to know more about Bullying and Suicide, click on the previous topic chapters before this one. Thank you all for reading.

cittycait, thank you so much for letting me dedicate this to you and letting me tell a bit about your life story. You are such a kind person at heart. You don't deserve to be bullied because you're different. Being different is a special gift to those who are beautiful in themselves. I won't let you down. I'll always fight for you. We will win in thee end. =)

You guys should read some stuff she posted about her being bullied. It is very heartbreaking and sad to hear the lengths people take just to ruin someone's life for who they are.

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