Meeting Up

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Denim: *talks on the phone* So, when you moving to California?

Kinnedy: It's going to be very soon, but I have to get my old house and put it up to sale and get all my stuff out of there.

Denim: Oh, we haven't seen each other since the Bahamas.

Kinnedy: True, I'll be there in a few more months though.

Denim: Ok

Kinndy: I gotta go to work. I'll talk to you after I get off.

Denim: Ok. Bye

Kinnedy: Bye. *hangs up*

Denim P.O.V.
To be honest, Kinnedy is nice. She's cute but I don't really know her that well. We just met last week, so I don't know about getting in a relationship yet. The time will come though. I had looked at the time and it was time to go to work. I had took a shower and put on a tux and went on over to work.

At Toni and Kenny House

Toni: Baby, I'm about to go meet up with Birdman. He said he was thinking about some music to make.

Kenny: Ok baby. I'll see you when you come home. Be safe.

Toni: *giggles* Ok baby.

Toni P.O.V.
When I had got to B's house, I had knocked at the door* He has a nice house on the outside. He had then came to the door.

Birdman: Hey Toni.

Toni: Hey B.

Birdman: Come on in.

Toni: Ok. *goes inside and sees his daughter* Hey Bria.

Bria: Hey Ms. Braxton. Dad, I'm about to go to work.

Birdman: Ok, I'll see you when you get back. Love you *hugs her*

Bria: Love you to. *hugs him back* Ok, I can't be late. By Ms. Braxton.

Toni: Bye. *smile

Bria: *leaves*

Birdman: So, I have some music that I've been working on. Come on *goes downstairs to the studio*

Toni: *follows him* B, it changed a lot in here

Birdman: Yea, I like it.

Toni: Buttt, me and Ken's studio is better. *sits down*

Birdman: Nahh, I wanna see.

Toni: Ok. *shows a picture of it on her phone*

 *shows a picture of it on her phone*

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Birdman: Woah.

Toni: Woah it is *laughs*

Birdman: Ok, so here is the first track. *pushes a button*

Toni P.OV.
The track sounded good. It had a R and B mixed with some hip hop. Mostly, the R and B was during the chorus which I liked.

Birdman: So, how is it?

Toni: I like it. It has a twist to it that I like.

Birdman: Great, now just words.

Toni: Ok.

1 hour Later

Birdman: *looks at the words* I think I like it. We just have to go in the studio to see how it will sound.

Toni: Ok. *gets up and goes in the booth*

Birdman: *looks at her ass* Mhm.

Toni: *put the headphones on* Is the microphone on?

Birdman: *turns it on* Yes. *turns the track on*

Birdman P.O.V.
When she sang her part, it was terrific. It sounded great and it didn't need much auto tune. Her voice was just right for this part.

Birdman: Come on out now.

Toni: *takes headphones off and comes in* How was I?

Birdman: It sounded amazing.

Toni: Thank you *smiles*

Birdman: You want to hear how you sound?

Toni: Yes please.

Birdman: *pushes a button*

Toni: *listens* I like it.

Birdman: Good *smiles* So, do you want to go get something to eat?

Toni: Sure. *gets her purse and phone*

Toni P.O.V.
I had went with Birdman and he took me to my favorite restaurant, Mr. Chows!

Toni: How did you know?

Birdman: I remember when we went to eat last time and you told it was your favorite.

Toni: That was like 10 years ago though *laughs*

Birdman: I have a good memory *chuckles*

Toni: Oh, ok. *looks through the menu*

Birdman: What you getting to eat?

Toni: I think I would get some shrimp fried rice with some red wine.

Birdman: Ok. *orders the food*

15 minutes Later

Toni: And then he just had the nerve to say he didn't like it.

Birdman: And you cussed the hell out of him. *laughs*

Toni: Cause I was pissed cause I worked so hard on it.

Birdman: But it had to be a good song if it went platinum

Toni: Right. *laughs and sees the waiter with the food* Thank God the food is here. I'm so hungry.

Birdman: *laughs* You must been very hungry.

Toni: Yes God. I'm saying it like Tamar now *laughs*

Birdman: *laughs*

Birdman P.O.V.
After we got done eating, Toni had came back to my house.

Toni: Well, I had a good day with you catching up.

Birdman: Same, I'll see you later.

Toni: Bye B. *leaves*

Toni P.O.V.
When I went home, Ken was laying on the couch sleeping. I had kissed his cheek and he woke up and grabbed my waist.

Toni: Kennn, you scared me.

Kenny: I'm sorry baby. How was the rehearsals?

Toni: It was good. *changes the tv to TMZ*

Kenny: That's good.

TMZ: Today, Toni Braxton and Birdman have been spotted at Mr. Chows. There are pictures of the two together. Is this a love affair with Toni and Birdman?

Kenny: *raises an eyebrow at Toni*

What will Toni say to Kenny? Will he believe her or will it result in something horrible? Find out next time in My love Life 2. Sorry I haven't been on much because I was mostly focusing on my studies. I will try very hard to get make new chapters. Bye! 😘
-April J.

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