Diego {8}

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A punch found its way straight to Jared's face.

Probably to break his nose again. But he ducked down at last second and grabbed my hand.

"Not again, Rossler. You can't hit me whenever you feel like it." Jared spat at me.

Why was the fuck he angry? He didn't have that right. Especially at me.

"Believe me, you fuckface, I have my reasons." I hissed back at him.

"I already took one for that because I believed I deserved it. You're as much at fault here as I am but I ain't blaming you."

Jared stabbed his finger at my chest.

I was pretty sure he wished he had something much sharper and lethal to stab me with rather than his finger.

The feeling was mutual.

How dare he blame me when it was all him?

I didn't even know what was happening when they took Delos away from me.

But Jared knew it all along.

I was going to kill him for that reason alone.

"This was his choice, Diego. You should respect that he saved you."

How could I? It was who was supposed to save him.

I had always been his supporter, his protector.

I had done everything in my power to save him time and time.

What good was it when in the end he was taken away by those sick cocksuckers?

God knows what they were doing to him.

All because he decided to protect me. He saved me.

But at what cost?

My brother was in their claws now. I didn't even know if he was alive.

It hurt like fucking hell.

Worse than when I believed he was a runaway, a missing boy from past almost-five years.

But right now, that was not the reason I wanted to kill Jared.

"First, you took her to Troy without acknowledging me." I growled.

Jared just rolled his eyes. As if he wasn't scared of me.

He should be. Damn if he only had a look inside my head, he would be running in the opposite direction screaming for hills.

"Rosanne is a big girl, Diego. She knows how to handle herself."

"She could barely walk straight for two minutes!"

"Which is why I assisted her and now she is sitting in the car, with Brandon while you're wasting both of our times here."

He had the guts to talk with me like that!

My hand flew faster than he could see it coming.

This time, he couldn't duck fast enough.

My fist met his mouth and he staggered backward. A painful oomph leaving his bloody mouth.

Jared wore shock on his face for two second tops before coming back to retaliate.

I was expecting it so I dodged him easily. My hand rose once again, but I stopped.

Letting him know the second reason he was getting his ass handed to him.

"You told her! Do you have any idea how much guilt she must be feeling?"

The CinderOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora