Rosanne {13}

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An hour later, we were in Chicago.

With me driving the awesome Saab 9-3 and Diego sleeping in the passenger seat with his head against the window.

He snored. So cute.

I had never heard him snoring. He must be exhausted.

He had spent last twenty four hours between driving from Louisiana to Georgia and from there to Illinois in addition to interrogating Troy.

Now he lay across his seat, his eye closed and even breathing.

Diego looked so peaceful and beautiful.

My fingers tingles to run them through his soft inviting hair but I resisting the urge. Not wanting to wake him, I kept my hands fisted around the staring wheel.

I parked in the motel's parking lot where the others were waiting for us.

Jared met me at the entry. I had called him from D's phone to let him know we had arrived.

My phone was still with Em. I reminded myself to take it back from her when I'd see her.

"How's Emily?" I asked as he approached the car.

"She's awake. Brandon is with her. She was asking for you."

"And Arianna?" I thought of her melt down after she had attacked the implant.

"She is actually kickin' it. Bragging about how she defeated an evil bastard from the Brooke." He let out a small grin as he picked up my bag.

I should thank Arianna mentally for having the insight to pack my bag. Even if it had been just to show D.

"It's fine. I can pick it myself." I insisted.

"You should probably wake him up." Jared pointed at the passenger's side.

"I don't want to. He barely slept for an hour. When was the last time he went to sleep?"

Jared seemed to think hard for a minute.

"He hasn't slept since you left New Orleans with Arianna. Before that he rarely dozed off, being the attentive nurse while you were out cold in Brad's place."

I winced. Feeling guilty.

No doubt Diego said I was a pain in the ass.

Jared's gaze softened in understanding. "I'll be setting this in your room. You wanna bunk up with Arianna or him?"

Ughhh. Meaning was I having the sex with him or not?

I think Diego would have a fit if I moved in Arianna's room.

The events of previous evening bounced in the front of my mind, making my mouth dry and my face heated.

Jared must have seen it too because he gave an awkward smile, seeming to be at loss of words.

"Uh, I guess I'll be bunking up with Arianna. Unless Em and Brandon are not staying together."

Somehow I doubted that. But then who knew, sharing a room might be a step too fast.

"Well then, see you later."

He took my bag and gave me a spare key to my- to our room.

Diego and I get to be roomies again. Yippee.

As Jared went inside, I walked to the passenger side and opened the door quietly.

Diego's head was slumped down in my direction. His lips were turned into a pout and his nostrils flaring with his snores.

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