The boy with the scars.

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When i got home, I go to my room and opened my cell phone and saw that I had 3 missed calls from Alyssa and a text message saying "Hey! Why arent you picking up! Are you okay?!" I call her back.

"Hey sorry I was at Family Therapy remember?"

"Oh yeah, how'd it go?"

"It went okay, boring though.."

"Good, cause' tonight were gonna have fun! Were going to Tommy Beregovich's Party."

"I don't know.." I said.

"C'mon! Its Saturday we have to have fun! I'll pick you up at 8. Dress nice, bye love you best friend" She hangs up the phone. I look at the clock. Its 4. I decide to take a nap till 6. I kick off my shoes and lay down on my bed, then set my alarm for 6.

ZZZ...Zzzz... People walking me into a room. I see two detectives. They start asking me questions about what I remember of the abuser. I can't say anything, I know hes watching. My fingers start trembling, I start to sweat. "I-I can't" I say. Once detective explains that If i dont say anything they wont be able to find him. I start to talk...

BZZZ.BUZZZ...BZZZ!! I wake up.

"Stupid alarm!" I say while turning off my alarm. "Why do I keep having dreams of my past.." I thought to myself. I go to the bathroom, take off my clothes, and jump in the shower. relaxing. After i clean myself, I'm still enjoying the water. Then suddenly, I feel eyes watching me. I quickly turn off the water and throw my towel on. I run to my room. What should I wear?

      After a while of sitting on my bed deciding what to wear, i relize its already 7:10. Crap! I go to my closet and pull out anything I see. Luckily its something nice: Black booty shorts with a white tank top and a soft black cardigan. I throw it on after I put on my bra and panties and grab my black flats. I look at my hair in the mirror and see its a mess. I comb it fast and tie it up into a pony tail leaving my bangs out. I take the flat iron and straighten my bangs. Stupid curly light brown hair. I look at the scars under my green eyes. I throw some blush on to cover them and put lip gloss on. Ready. I hear my phone ring, its Alyssa.

"Hey" I answer.

"Hey girl, im outside. Hurry!" She hangs up. She really has to stop doing that. I run downstairs and say " I'm going to that party with alyssa, bye love you!" To my parents and walk out the door. I see Alyssas car and jump in.

    About 20 mins later we get to the party. All you see/hear is a bunch of alchohal and beer bottles on the floor, people dancing,making out, screaming, music blasting, etc. We get out the car and walk into the house. This seems like the biggest house in New Jersey. When were inside Alyssa sees her boyfriend Matt and runs to him. I follow, but then i see someone. A guy, around my age. Hes wearing shorts, so I see that he has scars all over his legs. Also on his arms. Hes walking into the hallway, I follow. Hes calling someone, no answer. Calls again, no answer. This time he leaves a voicemail.

"Hey, I've been waiting for you all night dude where are you? Call me back", he says in the voicemail. He turns around and sees me standing there. I hesitate and say sorry..then turn around.

"No, its cool. Whats your name?"

"Vienna" I reply.

"Nice, i like it." He smiles. "Mine is Jerimiah".

"Cool, so how long have you been at this party?"

" About an hour or so, waiting for my best friend Derek. He said he'd meet me here, guess not. Hes probably with his girlfriend. Like always." He says.

"Oh that sucks. I know how you feel though, my best friend Alyssa is always with her boyfriend Matt, can be annoying sometimes."

"Yeah, well wanna go outside and sit by the pool?"

"Sure, got nothing else to do." I say, as he puts his arm around me and we walk outside. I blush. Once we get outside and sit he says, " so..what school do you go to?"

"Middletown Honors"

"Yeah? Me too, I've never seen you before. And thats a shame, because your beautiful."

I blush. "Thanks, your not too bad yourself." I say.

"Your a senior? I am"

"Yeah. Can I ask you something?" I say


"Why do you have all those scars?"

He says " Well..I'd like to know you better to tell you that." He takes out a paper from a lil pad on his keys and takes a pen from his pocket. He starts to write something on the paper, but he hides so I can't see.

"Oh sorry...what are you writin-"

I hear Alyssa running. "VIENNA COME ON COME ON MY MOM JUST CALLED ME AND SAID WHERE ARE YOU?! YOUR NOT AT VIENNA'S HOUSE I CALLED HER MOTHER GET THERE NOW! C'mon we have to go!" Alyssa says screaming while grabbing my cardigan and pulling me.

"When will i see you again?" I say to Jerimiah.

"You'll know." He slips the paper into my hand while Alyssa pulls me away running.

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