Love at Last

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When Im kissing him, its as if my whole world stops. Like I'm floating, on soft beautiful clouds and stars surrounding us. Just me and him.

Sadly, the kiss ended too quickly. By a kid. That kicked a soccer ball at us.

"Hey, kid. Don't do that again. I'm trying to spend time with my girlfriend!" Jerimiah said. Ahhhhhhhhhhh ! He just called me his girlfriend! The kid had just stuck his tongue out and walked away. Was I ever like that?

"So, I guess I'm your girlfriend now," I said playfully with  a smile.

"If thats okay with you," He said.

"Ofcourse." I said as we started eating.


  Schools soon coming to an end. And I had a loving family( my mom), at last. No more secrets, no more bruises, the only thing that remains is the scars. But sometimes I don't mind them. They remind me of how strong I was, to live through that suffering. I also have my loving boyfriend still, and my best friend Alyssa. Lifes turning out to be better now. Therapy's good, soon we don't have to go anymore.

  Every now and then, I think of my dad. How he was a monster outside of home, and a nice generous "loving" father inside the house. I hope I never see him again, and If I do and have children, hes never going to touch them. I wouldn't want anyone every touching my kids, or anyones kids, in any harmful way. Thats why I'm starting a group at my school, to help fight Child Abuse.

Abuse,Love,Trust.Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora