×××First Day×××

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My head dropped on the cold stone floor that quickly turned warm and sticky as blood dripped from my head. Just then everything went pitch black. Waking up to the stinging pain in my head I soon learned that I was strapped in a steel bed used by surgeons but I knew I'd really need surgery after he gets me. "Clara. Clara. Clara. You know how I hate to be disobeyed."he said with a sly grin as he slicked back his bright green hair, "Now if you behave like a good little girl then maybe I'll be quick." he finished as he stroked my raven black hair. "Fuck off. Im not going to be one of your toys. I'd rather be dead then being able to work with you." I snarled spitting in his white pasty face. 'Ha Ha Ha Ha. We'll get there soon Doll Face but for now I'll just hurt you really really bad." he laughed, sending chills down my spine. How did I end up here? How did I end up here? How....
I woke up screaming and drenched in sweat, "Hey new girl! Are you okay?" asked a voice that I assumed belong to the man in the cell next to mine. "Yeah." I replied breathless as though he really did torture me like in my dream, more like nightmare. "Good. Im surprised the guards didn't try to touch you while you slept. I guess they learned their lesson after they tried to do the same thing with Harley. Two guards were sent to the clinic. Major injuries." he chuckled softly, "By the way I'm Floyd and welcome to hell aka Belle Reeve." "I'm Clara" I replied. "So what did you do to wind up in this shithole?" Floyd asked. "Let's just say I just did some very bad things for a very bad man. Here I'll show you." I answered as I looked for my next victim. Just then a guard came by....this will be fun. Using my powers I looked into his mind, his name is Gerald he has a beautiful wife, Florrie, who has the same bright blue eyes as me and a baby girl whose 8 months, named Anna. "Hey you! Ya you! Come here!" I yelled. "What do you want?"Gerald sneered. "Now. Now. Now. Gerald right? I wouldn't talk to me in that tone if I were you. I don't want anything bad to happen to your precious wife I'd really hate to make your beautiful daughter become an orphan.". I replied with a sly smirk. "You little piece of shit!" he sneered placing his hand over the gun that's strapped to the left side of his hip. Now here comes the real fun. Again using my powers I went into his and I spoke, forcing him to do whatever I commanded, "Walk to the cafeteria and buy 3 sccops of Neapolitan ice cream then return to me.Give me the ice cream oh and a spoon. Now! Hurry!"
I commanded. Like a good dog he obeyed and started to walk toward the cafeteria. "Woah" Floyd gaped with his mouth hanging wide open. Looking at his shocked expression I replied back, "Yep. I can control minds. Lucky me!" Still shocked Floyd asked the question I always asked myself, "If you can command anyone to do anything why don't you get yourself out of here?"he asked. "There's no where for me to go. Its safer in here than.... out there" I whispered in an almost soft tone. It is way safer here than there. I'm a caged bird. I'm a bird with clipped wings. I can never escape. I never will.

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