×××The Devil×××

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   "How I wish I can get some of that."the guard sighed hitting my cell door with his stick, "Too bad you're a freak. What a waste of such a pretty face."he said giving me a seductive gaze as he licks his lips like a hungry wolf. "Why don't you come in and play with me. You know what they say about the crazy ones." I replied swaying my hips from side to side as I walked to the door, "Pleasey please with a cherry on top." I whined pouting my soft pink lips, "I can make the surviallence people turn off the cameras." I said in a sweet tone as I began sucking on my fingers. "All right." the pathetic man said opening up the door with a smile plastered on his piggy face."Oh we'll have so much fun!"I squealed swinging my arms like a child. Right when the guard turned around to lock the door I pushed him against it and grabbed his gun...it was loaded. "WHAT THE HELL!" he yelled reaching for his radio. Knowing that Im way faster I kicked him causing him to spin like a top before he fell hard on the cold stone ground. As he tried to recover from the massive blow to his ribs I grabbed his radio and his weapons. "Stay." I said grabbing him by his shoulders then I head butted him causing him to grab his head in pain. "I hoped you learned a lesson.... Alex." I hissed landing another kick to his ribcage " I hoped you learned that every single girl you see walking by is not a piece of fucking meat and is made for your fucking tiny puny penis. We are not here for your entertainment! You little cocksucker!" I spat punching his face. Treat us like dogs then we at like dogs and let me assure you we have a hell of a bite! Now! To make up for the brutal humiliation you just brought me throug.",another kick but with a different outcome...blood...blood trail out from his mouth. Yay! "You are going to get your balls hanging put of your vagina chopped off." I laughed when a group of guards came shuffling in front of my cell door. "Release the guard or we will use force." one screamed. "You know I can smell your fear. Especially you Gerald!" I snickered "And you have every right to be. Because once you come in I can guarantee you will never come out. Bring it!" I said raising my fists. The door buzzed releasing the guards. Just then I saw the devil. Then everything turned into a blur.

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