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   "What am I? Who am I? Who?" I sobbed leaning back on the brick wall here in this smelly damp alleyway. I know I shouldn't be here, a vulnerable 18 year old like me or even the strongest man can easily die here. For instance when I was 12 a family of three walked down here when sadly the parents were shot,attempted burguraly. The kid around my age then saw it all and was left an orphan. Poor kid I know how he feels. At least it wasn't him who killed his parents....."Excuse me? But let me help."said a strong manly voice. I looked toward the voice only seeing the figure of a man hiding in the shadows. "No! Don't get near me! I don't want to hurt you too! Please get away from me! I'm. I'm. I'm a....monster! Please go before it happens again!" I cried biting my hand, "Trust me you are not the real monster here."the man replied stepping out into lightonly being able to see his eyes gleam. His eyes there was something wrong about them. It wasn't the weird shade of green that was bright and marble like at the same time but there was something else. They were lifeless, there was no soul, there was no human. They belonged to a monster, a demon. Staring back into his lifeless eyes he replied back in an almost whisper "I know how you feel. I can help you. I'm just like you. The real monsters are the demons trapped inside us. You must let them go. Come with me. Don't be scared of the monsters under the bed but the one inside of you. Come with me. And I promise I will make them. together we can tame them". Slowly I got up wiping my salty tears off of my face and followed him. I didn't know it then but I was litterarly on the highway to hell.
     "Wake up."sneered a guard hitting me in the head. "I'll get you later. Hope you're ready to play." I replied in a laugh. The  bright sun shined in my eyes leaving my vision blurry...wait a minute I'm outside? Getting up from the ground I looked to my side finding a group of the baddest of the bad. To my left is Harley Quinn. The childish phsyco in love with a more crazier phsyco. Her real name is Harlenn Quinneth, she used to be a phycologist for him before he.... Beside her is Killer Croc a human treated like a monster who soon became one. He had scaly green screen with a desire to fit in. Poor guy he never will, we never will. To my right is Floyd, a.k.a Deadshot that's a sexy name, who is a rather impressive hitman. Until he was caught from Batman but Floyd didn't go that easy he left a bullet in Batty's arm to rember him by before getting stuck in this shithole. I feel sorry for him, he had to leave his daughter. Oustdide he may seem menacing but really inside he's a real teddy bear. Like caramel I'n a hard chocolate shell. Yumm. Then there was Diablo the one who really doesn't belong here. He's going to get eaten alive after all he did surrender to the cops, damn fool. But I guess he does have a reason I mean he killed his family with his flames of anger....just like me. Then there was Captain Boomerang, a man with a unicorn fetish, interesting. A semi great theif, I've seen better. "Hello my name is Amanda Walter. And I own you!"she yelled. "You are gathered here today to make a change in the world. You are going to be the one and only Task X Force. You are the baddest of the bad and together with proper guidance you can finally do good to world. You will go on secret missions and in return you will get 10 years off of your sentences."she stated. Huh I would like to see that work on my triple life sentence,apparently I'm not the only one who will have trouble working off our sentence. "What if we dont want to be apart of this...Suicide Squad?"asked Boomerang trying to look like the bigger man. "Then you die. We already had one who refused,you won't see Slip Knot anymore."she snapped. "So this is it we are the pansies or something. Aren't we?"asked Floyd. That day I made a deal, a deal with the devil.

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