×××Hell Is Hot For A Reason×××

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   Slipping on my skintight black jeans, my black tank top and my black combat boots I pulled my long black hair into a tight ponytail when I heard them. Men are such swines. Noticing that Harley and I are the only girls I heard the guards diry thoughts. Too bad theyre crazy maybe theyre crazy in the sheets. Thought the chubby gaurd named Bob in the corner his eyes wide and his drooling mouth gaping open. Looking around to see if everyone is done getting dressed I held in a laugh. When do they have the time to make this costumes? They look like circus freaks. I thought looking at Harley choosing between a red and black jester outfit or a red and blue booty shorts that matched a shirt that spelled Daddy's Lil Monster. Then my eyes fell on a shirtless Floyd. Damm! He had a strong built torso that glistened in the sun as his sweat ran down his tanned body. Locking his eyes on mine his lips curled in a smirk. Cursing myself I reminded myself not to get distracted I cant hurt anyone else besides I have a mission to fulfill."All right everyone."yelled Rick dressed in a regular Army uniform, "Everyone on the plane. Now!"he screamed as we boarded the plane. "Hot stuff.  There is no need to yell. Just saying this as a friend but I think it's not a good idea not to be yelling at us. It will be wise not to get on anyones bad side." I siad clicking my tounge agianst my teeth. "Is that a threat?"he asked raising his gun as it pointed to the center of my chest. Batting my doe eyes I innocently looked back up at his handsome face "No not at all. Its just helpful friend advice. I'd really hate to never be able see that face of yours ever again. It'll be a waste." I said sweetly cupping his face with my hands. "Sit down!"he spat grabbing my hand on his cheek by the wrist leaving a red mark. "Whatever you say hot stuff."I replied sitting next to Harley. "Hi there I'm Harley!"she said her voice ringing with jubiliance. "Ummm. Hi I'm Clara."I replied before shaking her outstretched hand. "Soooo. You wanna be best friends or something?"she asked with a slight accent. Dumbfounded I answered yes before she threw her hands around me squelaing like a little girl. The embrace felt so foreign it felt as though her energy radiated through me....I haven't felt like this in such a long time. I haven't felt this close to love in such a long time. But I dont desrve this. Not after the incidenet. I dont deserve love I dont need it. My soul ,my heart is freezing after all hell is hot for a reason.

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