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    "Sooo what exactly is our mission?"Harley asked Flag who sat across from us, "It is classified, you do what I say or you die."he replied before standing back up, "Everyone this is Katana. She will be joining us on this mission to make sure you guys don't act like.. well...you. I wouldn't advise messing with her, with one slice of her srowd your very own soul will be trapped in it forever." Flag finished before sitting back in his seat. Katana had short black hair that barley reached her chin, she was very slender and short for her age. Her black and red shirt showed a bit of her stomach when she raised her arms and her face never showed any type of emotion behind her white mask. Wanting to know more about her I looked into her head, shocked to find out about her past. Horrible parents who were always ashamed of her and then she met him. She was saved by love until it was too taken brutally away from her. Her husband's life and afyer life was abruptly taken away by notorious mobsters and the very own sword she holds in her hand. She vowed to kill her husband's murders and give them the fate they deserve by killing them with the magic sword. I pity her. She's broken...just like me.
    "Clara it's okay. We are all broken and the best part about this is that with each piece of the broken glass is  another dagger in our hands. With each broken piece we are able to fight, to kill all of the people who wronged us, hated us. Together, you and me we can rule the city of Gotham together. What do ya say dollface?"HE said cupping my face with his cold pale hands. Why did I fall in love with him.? Why did I fall in love with a monster? "Please I don't want to kill anymore. I already did enough damage.'I answered softly. He Collided his lips with mine before pulling away and slapping me across the face. "You bitch! You don't know any better do you! I own you! You do what I command! I guess I'll just have to tame you!"he yelled picking me up off the floor. I tried to fight back but he was to strong and before I knew it I was strapped in a chair. Then everything went blank my memories gone before they slowly came back to me piece by piece. I didn't know who I was, I didn't know where I was and who I was with. And I wished I never did.
  "We're here!"said Flag saving me from my flashbacks and bringing me to real life. God why can't I die, I deserve it. Why am I me?

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