××The Truth××

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Getting up from the street, Floyd took my hand as he guided my shaking body to the rest of the gang. Giving me to Harley he whispered in my ear before kissing me lightly on the forehead, "Stay here.", looking at a concerned Harley he spoke again, "Make sure she's okay.", Harley nodded as Floyd walked away. Walking straight to Flag, Floyd grabbed him by the hem of his shirt before throwing him down on the bloodstained street, "What the fuck are we doing here Flag?" Floyd asked before kicking his side. "Get him Floyd! Show him that he messed with the wrong people! Kick his ass!"cheered Harley as she bounced up and down. "Floyd! Stop! Hey ese it's not worth it. They're going to kill you with just one push of a button. Floyd stop!"yelled Diablo as he stepped up to stop Floyd from inflicting anymore damage. Just as Diablo said that the rest of the guards grabbed Floyd by the arms as I stood and watched in horror. This is it. They are going to kill Floyd in front of me and here I am doing nothing absolutely nothing. Finally recovering from the recent attack Rick stood up, "I'm sorry!"he sobbed, "I'm so sorry! The truth is that...we lied. The real mission was to kill the enchantress. The Enchantress is a nonhuman being from another dimension that used to rule this earth. She was evil and sinister towards her people that one day they snapped. The villagers captured her and stole her heart while forcing her into a small bottle making it her enteral prison until... until she was released. June Moon a magnificent archeologist stumbled into her cave and broke open the bottle releasing the Enchantress as she inhabited her body. June my June become possessed and a host for the Enchatress. Amanda tried to control her but she escaped Amanda and is now looking for her heart. With her heart she is able to fully inhabit her abilities and build a monster machiene that will bring the apocalypse. We were sent here to kill her but I couldn't knowing that if I do June, my June my baby will die too. So instead of killing her I lied to you so we can go on my own mission to save June from the Enchantress. I'm sorry but all I'm asking is this, that you will help find the Enchantress heart and defeat her without killing June. Please and from here on out I will treat you like you should've been a long time ago and that I will stop lying to all of you."Rick said as he dropped the detonator for the bombs in our head and smashed it into little pieces."You can do whatever you want and I won't stop you." Rick finished as another tear rolled down his cheek. "I know what I'm going to do, I'm going to get a good old drink and see my daughter you happily took away from me."Floyd said as he walked to a small bar acrossnthe street. "I'm going to see my pudding. Come on Clary, let's go."Harley said grabbing my hand as we followed Floyd's lead.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 11, 2017 ⏰

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