Chapter Four (C)

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"You come to love not by finding the perfect person but by seeing an imperfect person perfectly"
– Sam Keen


But I don't want him to let go. Chris's big hands wrapped my wrist dragging me with him, as strange as it sounds I felt comfortable even with the way he was dragging me. Angela was still barking at him but he gave her no attention and i could feel his desperation, I didn't try to stop him because I don't need a scene on such a day. I managed to warn Angela by waving at her and rolling my eyes in a way to assure her I'll be fine. Mandy on the other hand was giving me an apologetic smile.

  We stood facing each other in an aisle behind the canteen, I looked up to meet his blue eyes turning red in desperation. He wore a silver chain around his neck, all thanks to his unbuttoned shirt, I could clearly see the hunk of tanned muscles arranged neatly forming six packs... he lifted his hand and ducked it in his rather bushy hair, it all reminded me of the good old days... days when I used to find shelter and comfort in those big arms, safety in that broad chest... and of course those lips, lips that.. Goddammit Lucy.

  "Lucy" he pursed his lips and for a moment he looked pained
"I want you back, I need you in my life" he stepped closer so I could hear the thudding of his heart. I opened my mouth but words refused to flow out, my jaw just dropped and I realised that I may still have feelings for Chris. I know, i'm stupid for even thinking that, especially after all the things i went through because of him.

  He took my hands in his while I stood still, his eyes burned intensely.  I could clearly see his need for a second chance. I appreciated the warmth of his hands and his smell.

  I swallowed hard then gathered myself, I looked up and spoke finally, choosing each word carefully

"why? after all this time?"

  I know i'm not going to give him a chance but somehow i just wanted to know

  His shoulders sagged and his expression soften giving me a clear relief, our eyes locked for a moment and he spoke in a pleasing tone

  "I know you are mad at me and you have every right to, but please don't just shut me outta your life baby. I was so stupid, I know. I had the most beautiful lady and I fucked up... please stay with me baby. I promise to never to hurt your feelings again"

He said looking down at our entagled hands

"I'm sorry for hurting you Lucy. I miss having you around, I miss having you in my my my crib. I miss spending time with you and my granny with her gardening sessions"

He chuckled and continued, but this time he was looking at me, as if searching for permission to go on.

"I miss having you with my mom in the kitchen. I miss your jokes, stubbornness, and the crazy shopping sprees ... I miss you Lucy, my whole family does, Please come back to me"

His lips twitched "I love you"

    I've always been so emotional, and my eyes were getting all watery aand stuff, No, I'm not going to cry, Not today Chris, I pulled back the tears and faced him

"I'm sorry" I managed to say and turned to leave but he shoved me to the corner pressing my body hard against the wall.

   Typical Chris! Always thinks Violence is the answer. I gasped for air while he pressed his body harder crushing his lips on mine, I cried in pain and shut my eyes, when I heard a loud smack.

   I checked myself first and realising it wasn't for me I sighed then I saw Chris's huge body slump on the floor under my feet. I raised my head to be greeted by the familiar face looking all fierce.


  "Always at your service Ma'am" he said stepping closer, he threw the hockey stick he used on Chris and drew me closer.

I heard "wows" and "awws" from the crowd that just gathered, I buried my head in Jeff's chest and started the waterworks.

Some of our teachers finally showed up and asked what happened, I saw Chris's friend trying to get him on his feet and followed the teachers.

Angela came closer "You must be jeff, I'm Angela, the best friend" she said extending her flawless hand to him seductively, my friend is flirting my man. He released me and shaked her hand

  "I am actually the best friend, Mandy" Mandy said and extended her hand

🌹              🌹               🌹               🌹               🌹
   Seated in the principal's office with the two men and I couldn't help but think of what could have happened if Jeff didn't save me today. I heard Jeff tell the principal he is my personal Security and that they shouldn't alert my parents for such small misunderstanding.
  I was given a pass to go home.

  Jeffrey's hand was on mine while he held the steering with the other, we were both silent, I just stared at the road back home.

"How did you know?" I asked him softly

  "One of your friends called me with your phone... These kids are unbelievable! You caught him cheating, y'all argued and broke up. What the fuck does he want again?" I Just turned the other way

"And why are you mad at me?" He asked when I didn't reply

  " You created a damn scene! " I snapped

   " Oh Thank you for saving me... you are welcome" he said sarcastically and added

"Dude was all over you, kissing you and stuff!" He launched his anger on the brakes bringing the car to a halt

   "Stop it Jeff! I dont know what the girls told you but you should stop being jealous!"

   "You think I'm jealous of that crappy, little kid you broke up with?...pathetic!"

  We were both silent for what seemed like forever
He finally took  a long breath and faced me with his eyes burning, I've never seen this furious Jeffery Rowland

  "Is it wrong? Am I wrong for being jealous and protecting you?"

" I didnt mean it that way, I'm so sorry"

"It's okay, I'm sorry too"

  "Thank you for showing up at the right time, I love you"

He took my hands in his and kissed both hands softly

"I love you more Angel eyes. Smile for me, pls?" He said and I smiled widely, he smiled too revealing his beautiful dimples

"Now let's get you home, it was such a long day"


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Lots of love xx

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