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Luke's POV

I wake up with a groan. What's with me and passing out lately like seriously, come on. I try to move the heavy metal and stone of of me, but I fail. I use my robot hand, as I like to call it, and push the pieces that was on top of my other arm. I then tried to move on the piece that was crushing all of me and failed. I stretched my arm out and imagined the pieces of metal being thrown across the room, off of me. I soon felt a familiar feeling and heard and loud bang. I peeked open my eyes to see that I was free. well extremely injured... but free. I laid there for a few minutes and thought about everything. I Hope Leia and Han are ok. I reached out through the force and tried to contact Leia. 

"Leia..." I whispered. Sure enough, I felt a warm, comforting force presence and heard,

 'Luke! Where are you! Why haven't you come back!' She yelled.

 'I don't know where I am Leia, all I know is that the force brought me here for a reason. After father died...' I stopped. 'I was taken here.' I will let you know if anything happens Leia, I promise. In the meantime, Can you do something for me?' 

There was a pause. 'What is it' she asked. I took a deep breathe. 'can you and han and some others got to the Jedi temple ruins and find out as much as you can about the Jedi? Please?' I anxiously waited for an answer. 

'of course Luke.' She said.

'And Leia...' I thought to her, 'I love you, may the force be with you.' I broke out force connection and sat up. Talking with Leia gave me strength, and I decided it was time to get out of the piece of junk. 

Anakin's POV:

I was about to go and catch up with Obi-wan and go back to the temple, until A strange force presence was among me. The presence felt so light, so I was draw to it. I hear a loud bang, and  I used to force to see what was going on. I stumbled back shocked. the kid, Luke was still alive! and he was using... The force? I Dove deeper into the force, and saw him laying on the floor, exhausted. I feel his force presence searching through the force, looking for someone. He had strong mental shields, but they  weren't in place at the moment, so  I invaded his mind and listened to his conversation. 


'Luke! Where are you! Why haven't you come back!'The voice was warm and obviously a woman's. I could also feel her presence. It was almost exactly like padme's...weird.

'I don't know where I am Leia, all I know is that the force brought me here for a reason. After father died...' I could feel that the boy felt pained. I knew how it felt. 

. 'I was taken here. I will let you know if anything happens Leia, I promise. In the meantime, Can you do something for me?'

 'What is it' 

 'can you and han and some others got to the Jedi temple ruins and find out as much as you can about the Jedi? Please?' Jedi temple ruins? Is there another temple I don't know about? 

'of course Luke.' The woman he was talking to had a strong force connection with Luke, surprisingly stronger than obi-wan and I's. 

'And Leia...' 

'I love you, may the force be with you.'theres something about this boy that just seems... off. Like he doesn't belong here. I brush of the feeling and  I sprinted back to the temple to tell Obi-wan about the boy. 

Im just asking, do you like the way i do the dialogue? Like how i separate the talking form the the other stuff? if you don't, comment. sorry if I'm slow

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