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Anakin's POV:

After taking Luke to treat his wounds, I showed him around the Jedi temple, telling him the rules. He seems to know nothing about... anything. He didn't even know about the senate until I told him about it. Despite the fact that the way we meet was weird and awkward, we started bonding. I had a free two days in the temple, so i spent most of that time withLuke and Padme. I had explained to obi-wan how I felt around Luke. He makes me feel more wise, less reckless. In just one day, I felt like Luke was my best friend. I don't feel the brotherly love I feel with Obi-wan though. I feel something else, but I just can't figure out what...so far living with Luke hasn't been bad, but its only been one day so... I still know close to nothing about him. Witch has been bothering me a lot. Once we go to the Jedi council tomorrow, I will ask him about his past. I finally decide its time to sleep, and I close my eyes, Padme sleeping soundly next to me. 

Luke's POV:

I can't sleep. I lay awake smiling like an idiot. I just can't believe that I'm actually becoming friends with my father! And he's a total badass. I finally fall asleep, with happy thoughts of my family. 

"luke... Luke..." I open- well I think I open my eyes, and somehow find myself at some strange beautiful temple, sort of resembling the Jedi temple. I look around to find many people walking around at a relaxed pace, not caring what others are doing. I studied them and realized, they were force ghost. I started to panic a little. 

"Am I-"

"No Luke, you are not dead." I turn around quickly to find ben. 

"Ben..." I said taking in the site of my old master, and friend. I was about to say more but ben cut me off.

"I don't have much time to talk to you, so you must listen well, no questions. You were sent to the past for a reason. To save your father. This will me a very difficult task, a task you must achieve. As you already know, The supreme Chancellor is the man to seduce your father to the dark side. It starts when he starts having nightmares about her dying in child birth. He eventually loses it, with all the stress on him, from the council, the dark side constantly temping him, and his worry for his wife." He explains to me. I take all the information in, listening to every detail. 

"You first task is to take some stress of his shoulders. Earn his trust, by telling him things about yourself, without reveling to much. Tomorrow night, he will have the first nightmare. I want you to wake him before it ends. this will shake up palpatine's plans a little bit. When your with Anakin, avoid emotional subjects, and the most important thing of all is..." He stopped and sighed. 

"Stay away from the Chancellor, at all costs, stay away. Don't even think about him. I will be with you, guiding you, until you have actually changed something from the future, then, you are on your own." He finished. I let the information seep in. I was stunned that before I knew it, ben started fading away. 

"Ben! wait. May the force be with you" I said, and he smiled. 

"May the force be with you, young one. You are very brave, and I am proud of you." I felt myself smile. 

'I will save you father, if its the last thing I do.' 

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