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sorry about that pic if you don't like it, but I had to I'm sorry lol

Anakin's POV:

There was I huge shift in the force. Like It  just... Brightened. I stumble little and glance at obi-wan, who seemed completely calm. 

'Did you feel it' I asked him through the force.

'Feel what?' he said back. I shook my head. I think Im going crazy. 

This boy is odd. When he heard our names, its like he had a panic attack. And the empire? He spoke of it with such hate that just by looking at him I can tell he's been through a lot. But Im not sure I can trust him. I quickly try to search him and and memories, but his mental shields are  way to strong. Only a greatly skilled Jedi master could have helped the boy place shields of that straight. Even mine aren't as strong as him. the boy seems to be struggling with something internally, and I notice that he won't look at me in the eyes. Feeling bad for him, I ask,

"Would you like to go back to the temple to get some rest?" I ask him. Obi-wan glares at me, clearly not trusting the boy. 

'He's no Sith, I can tell. When he arrived, the force suddenly got... Brighter. He needs rest. Did you see the electrocution mark? He's been through a lot, I can sense it.' I sent to Obi-wan, surprised with myself. When did I start acting all wise, and fatherly? Obi-wan's glare softens, as he examines Luke, his eyes widening slightly, until he spoke. 

"Luke, Before you... came here, what happened?" When Obi-wan asked that Luke's expression changed form confused to sad. 

"I promise I will tell you, but first, It would be great if I could get some rest." The boy's voice sounded pained and suddenly I felt the need to comfort him. 

"Of course, but answer this question for me first... Luke Solo. How did you become a Jedi?" It was odd that he was so alarmed when Obi-wan said we were Jedi. Its like he thought he was the only one. 

"I was one my home planet Tatooine, when My uncle and aunt were killed. An old friend," He glanced at obi-wan in sadness, witch confused me. 

"Told me about the force and the Jedi, and how he can train me, so I went with him. My training was cut short because He was killed by my f-." he stopped. "By a Sith lord. I went on to train myself and eventually was guided to another Jedi master. He trained me, until I had to go save my friends." He had a distant look in his eyes when he mentioned his friends. He continued. 

"I- I will tell you the rest later, I need my daily nap." he quickly said and started walking to the temple. I laughed a bit and started after him.

 "Are you coming, Master" I ask Obi-wan. 

 "Oh no. I'm not brave enough for politics. I have to report to the Council. Besides, someone needs to be the poster boy." He jokes. 

"Hold on, this whole operation was your idea. You led the rescue operation." I objected, really not wanting to have to deal with Everyone right now. i just want to got home to Padme.

 "Sorry, old friend. Let us not forget that you rescued me from the Buzz Droids. And you killed Count Dooku. And you rescued the Chancellor, carrying me unconscious on your back, and you managed to land that bucket of bolts safely!" He exclaimed. 

 "All because of your training, Master. You deserve all those speeches of your greatness" 

"the endless speeches... Anakin, let's be fair. Today, you are the hero and you deserve your glorious day with the politicians, and with dealing with Luke. I suggest you let him stay in your apartment. He seems to like you" He told me. I groan internally. How am I supposed to keep padme and I a secret with another Jedi living in our apartment. Might as well run around with a sign saying I'm married. Im about to say no, but then I remember how sad the kid looked. I sighed. 

 "All right. But you owe me...and not for saving your skin for the tenth time but also for taking care of Luke." He smiled.

 "Ninth time . . . that business on Cato Nemoidia doesn't count. I'll see you at the briefing." The he was of. I sighed collecting my feelings, then heading into the temple to face the politicians. I see Luke in the distance, looking around in wonder. I chuckle to myself. Maybe having this boy around will be good for me, When Im around him, I feel happy, like Im safe. I also feel that way with padme. Weird, I know. I catch up to Luke.

"Obi-wan suggest you stay in my apartment." I said, startling him. He nods, staring at me in awe, like he's admiring me. I look at him and raise my eyebrow. He realizes he was starting looked away. 

"Im sorry, you just... Remind me of someone." He said. I looked at him and noticed he looked sad. 

"Who?" I asked. H seemed like he didn't want to tell me, but he did anyway. 

"My father" That answer startled me. I was about to ask another question until Luke abruptly stopped. I see he's starting at Padme, who's hidden in the shadows. I hear him whisper, "Leia.." But I pretend i don't hear it and say, 

"Luke, I probably shouldn't trust you with something like this, but since you will be staying in my- our apartment, I guess you have to know. There is someone you should meet." 

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YAY!!!!!!!!!! Chapter 6!!!!! I like comments and I take suggestions 

YAY!!!!!!!!!! Chapter 6!!!!! I like comments and I take suggestions 

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