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"theres something you should all know...."


the whole council stared at me. I gulp, thinking about how I was going to say it. 

"there is a dark future ahead of us, and if you don't do something about it now..." I think about all the people who lost their lives. All the people I lost. "we will pay the price." one of them was about to speak, but I cut him off. 

"before you say anything, I cannot tell you how I got this information, but, there is a sith in control of the senate."


"...there is a Sith in control of the senate." How could Luke find this out? He's only been here a few days. Something doesn't add up, but for now I gotta keep my mouth shut. 

"A Sith? Are you sure?" Winds said sternly. luke nods. "I- I have....seen things, horrible things. That includes almost every one of you guys...dead." he trails of. I decide to say, "Luke, if you know something, you must tell the council." He looks at me, and I could see something change in his expression. He looks almost... guilty.

"Ok fine. You guys need to keep a close eye on the chancellor," Oh my- is he serious? He glances my way and  I can feel the  anxiety coming from him. "Something about him is... of" 

All the council members look at each other not believing Luke, except Yoda. he just stares at Luke. "when I first came here, The force was clouded by the dark side. Who ever this Sith is they are externally powerful to have been hiding themselves for so long." While he's talking I take the opportunity to peek inside his memories. I don't get much, but I hear one thing that could make me want to back myself into a corner and cry all day, 

'And now young Skywalker... you will die'

The voice echoes through my brain as I try to push it out. notice Luke getting really tense and he places and me warily. He's hiding something. 

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