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"Why do you sound so tired?"

"Because you woke me up."

"But it's four in the afternoon, Miranda. On Christmas."

"I know."

"Why are you asleep on Christmas instead of celebrating with family and friends?"

"Why not?"

"Did you just pull a me?"


"It doesn't work as well for you."

"Thanks so much."

"Your welcome."


"But seriously, why aren't you with friends."

"I'm talking to you, aren't I?"


"If you must know, my parents are on a cruise in the Caribbean and they don't have siblings and their parents are dead."

"Oh....I-I'm sorry."

"It's not your fault, idiot."

"Why not?"

"That doesn't even fit the situation!'

"Why not?"

"Stop it, Kyle!"

"Why not?"

"If you don't shut up, I swear I will find you and murder you."

"Violent, I see."

"You can't see me."

"Thanks for that, Captain Obvious."

"I'm a Captain? Sweet."

"Again. Immature."

"I'm hanging up so I can go binge watch cheesy Christmas movies."

"Bye, Miranda. Or whatever your name is."

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