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Her hands shook as she walking up the steps of the stage. She had Hamilton stuck in her head and it wasn't going away. The principal smiled at her as she got behind the podium. It was time for her speech. "We made it. Through late night studying, the endless torture of the long Honors and AP classes....."

She had practiced this speech so much she didn't have to think as she spoke. Once she came to the end, she hesitated slightly. "I want all of you to be witness of the event that are about to happen. About four months ago, I met somebody over the phone. He got the number wrong, but we continued to talk. I gave him a false name. He knew this and bugged me about it forever. I we started a game of twenty question. Exactly twenty questions. We finished this morning and I just need to do this one thing."

She pulled out her phone from her robes. She hit speed dial and Kyle's name appeared on the screen. There was a loud ringtone going off from the silent crowd. He picked up. "I'm waiting, Miranda."

"My name's not Miranda-"

"I knew that."

"Stop it."


"Why not?"

"Fine, continue."

"Kyle Frasier. My real name is Amanda Carlton."

"So, stupid chicken feet. That's the name I guessed at the beginning, Miranda."


"And you lied. You're hair's not brown and your eyes aren't blue."

"I never lied. I just said Brown and Blue. You put the labels on it."

"How was I supposed to know that you dyed your hair bright blue."

"Well, I'm sorry."

"You shouldn't be."

"Why not?"

"Because you look adorable."

ITS OVER!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

if you want me to do like an epilogue comment (although i can't guarantee that the epilogue is going to be happy)

hopefully you enjoyed, because it was fun to write and i wrote it in like 2 hours so yeah.

happy wednesday (wednesdays are my favorite day of the week. saturdays are my favorite day of the weekend)

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