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"Hello, Girl-Who's-Name-I-Still-Don't-Know."

"And back to the name thing, I hear."


"Well, I'm still not telling you."

"Why not?"

"I should start counting Why Not as a question."

"I'll stop!"

"Thank you."

"Back to the reason I called. I have a question."

"Number eight. Go ahead."

"Which Disney princess is your favorite?"

"Random much?"

"I was having a Disney movie marathon with my little sister."

"Awwwww. That's so cute."


"Belle. She's my favorite."

"Makes sense."

"What does that mean?"

"Belle loves to read. You love to read. Belle blindly trusts a man, or beast, that she doesn't know. You talk to me, but we have never met and don't really know each other."

"You raise a good point."

"Don't I always."

"So, what about you, who's your favorite?"



"I should go."

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