Chapter 7 - Niall

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I think I wrote this chapter best. Hope you enjoy it! xxx

My alarm clock goes on and I smack my right arm on it to shut it up. I groan, not happy about having to wake up. I drag myself to the bathroom next to my room, my feet heavy. I stare at my reflection in the mirror and what I see doesn’t please me; I have bags under my eyes and paler skin than usual. It’s been the longest day I ever lived, going back and forth trying to fix things with Annabelle and Liam, planning something horrible in a couple hours and calling my good friend to help me and hurting everyone’s feelings including mine. I promised myself before going to bed yesterday that I was never going to plan anything else without asking for someone else’s advice. Thank god, things are all good now and I got to fix them all in one day. It’s almost scary that I fucked things up in half a day and used the other half to fix it. Of course, I had to sleep really late but at least everything is fine, now.

After washing my face I go down stairs and walk directly to the kitchen. Breakfast is the best meal and the most important one, I can’t skip it. When I push the kitchen door, I see Harry and Liam making breakfast while Zayn and Louis, sitting at the island next to each other, are talking about football.

“Hi guys, what’s for breakfast” I say with a sleepy voice.

“Sorry boy, you have to make your own” Harry says trying to sound serious but I can hear the smile in his voice.

“Or, I can steal yours and you would have to start again.” I answer, smiling.

Harry looks at me for a second with a serious expression when Louis adds “Never go between Niall and his food.” and he starts laughing followed by the rest of us.

I finally take a seat at the very end of the island while Liam gives Louis and Zayn their food; eggs with bacon and fried potatoes. Harry hands me my food and sits in front of Louis while Liam sits at the other end of the island.

“Do you guys want to do anything today?” Zayn asks up while taking a bite of his potatoes.

“Well, I was going to ask if Niall wanted to go skating with me later on. It’s nice out and I think it will be good for us to do something together after what happened.” Liam said.

I give him a big smile and I nod. I agree, I think we do need to spend some time together.

“But you guys can come with us if you want.” He adds.

Louis gets up immediately after that and says something that shocks me: “We are going to leave you two lovebirds together and go Christmas shopping, right boys?”

The two other boys nod and I feel my cheeks warming up. What are they saying? Liam and I are just friends. I admit, we spend more time together than with the other boys but that’s just because we are best friends, nothing more. I bring my eyes quickly to Liam’s and his cheeks are red as well but he smiles at me when he notices my gaze.

“Alright then, just don’t forget my present.” I say laughing.

“Hah. As if you were getting one” Zayns adds with a grin.


We’re now at the park. It’s beautiful, with trees full of lights of different colors, the sun reflecting on the ice and the people smiling on the bench, putting on their skates.

We make our way to one of the benches and take out our skates from the gym bag we brought. After getting fully dressed up we walk awkwardly to the pond, it’s been a while since we’ve been skating. I hold myself on Liam’s arm and he holds on to my shoulder but then I let go and try to make my way alone. It’s a really weird feeling, I can’t control my feet. One step after the other I end up actually sliding around, not just taking small steps around the pond.My right foot goes too far and I lose balance and I fall down on my bum. I hear Liam’s laugh from behind, he’s laughing so hard he’s almost on the ground.

“Need help?” I hear a small voice ask me.

I look up and I see a black haired girl with green eyes and it takes me a second to realize its Annabelle!

“Uhm, thanks…” I mumble, kind of embarrassed.

When I’m up I look in my best bud’s direction, he is still on the ground laughing but when he stops I help him get up, handing him my hand.

“Thanks.” He says.

His pants and coat are all wet from the ice and I look down at my own pants and they are also wet.

“I think we should go before we freeze to death and get a cold” I say.

“You’re right, you should change.” Annabelle agrees.

I almost forgot she was there. “Yeah, thanks again!” We try walking back to the bench but we are having such a hard time the black haired girl proposes her help and we each take one of her arms for support. I have to admit, it’s very manly of us.


Because Annabelle helped us, we decided to take her for a coffee at Starbucks after we changed. Good thing we brought extra an pair of pants each.

We are sitting in the far end of the little place, far from the couple of people that are sitting around. I’m sitting next to Liam and she sits in front of us.

“So, how old are you Annabelle?” Liam asks.

She raises an eyebrow “You can call me Anna… I’m eighteen, tuning nineteen in a couple of days.”

“When exactly?” I ask. Maybe we can throw a party for her, just with the five of us because the last time we invited people over for a party it ended up as a disaster. Let’s just say we hardly had any clothes on after. It got all ripped by fans who wanted a piece of our clothes. Paul was really mad at us for starting a party without telling him.

“It’s the 13th of December, in two days.”

I look at my best friend and he nods. I love that we understand each other without having to say anything.

“Would you like to come at our flat on that day? We can celebrate with you, if you’d like.” I say with a sincere smile.

Anna looks at both of us with wide eyes, mouth slightly open. “O-Of course. Thank you so much!”

Liam gets up and grabs his coat from behind the chair “I think it is time we head home. Just call us before you get to our flat on the 13th. I think you have Niall’s number?”

The young girl nods and we walk out, feeling the cold wind in our hair.

When we are at the car and Anna is out of our sight I ask Liam why he left so quickly.

“I wanted to talk to you about the party, it's probably only going to be us five considering what happened last time... and I thought we could do a Karaoke night with loads of food. Also, we should buy her a gift.”

I am so surprised of Liam’s excitement for her birthday. Just yesterday he was jealous of her.

“What should we buy for her?”

“Tomorrow we’re going shopping with the guys even though they already went today. We are going to make her birthday incredible.”

I think I understand, he feels bad for me about what I did, I broke her heart and he feels bad for something he didn’t do. That’s what Liam does, he always feels bad for things that aren’t even his fault.

“You’re too nice.” I whisper but he doesn’t hear me.

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Thanks again for all your support! xox

Dedicated to Disguisedirectioner for reading my story from the beginning! :)

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