Chapter 8 - Niall

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[I ment to update on friday but I had to work. Meh. I kind of like this chapter, hope you like it as well!]

Today is Annabelle’s birthday; the four boys and I are preparing the party we are throwing for her before she arrives, around noon. It’s past eight ‘o’clock, we already ate breakfast (that I made this time) and now everyone is doing something different around the house. Paul, who agreed to help us, had to go in our rooms to wake us up. We all pressed snooze on our alarm clock several times… we were supposed to wake up at seven thirty.

Harry who is in the kitchen baking a cake, cookies and cooking our lunch for when the birthday girl arrives, yells “I hope this girl knows how lucky she is that I’m cooking lunch for her at eight in the morning.” Since we are in vacation, we are used to waking up around ten, or even eleven when we had a long day the day before.

“Come on Harry, she’s gorgeous, you’re going to like her!” Liam yells from the bathroom. He really wanted to decorate the bathroom as well; he said that every part of the house she would walk in had to be birthday themed. I get this weird feeling in my stomach, I don’t know why. Maybe the breakfast I made…

As Harry is cooking, Liam is decorating around the house, I am wrapping presents (horribly), Zayn is making the playlist as DJ Malik and Louis is preparing the karaoke and other games we are going to play like the FIFA.

I am really glad that the boys are helping Liam and I to prepare this amazing party; and mostly that they accepted to bring a fan at our house without asking any questions. I know it was sort of a sacrifice they made, because this is supposed to be our secret house. A house we get to stay at without getting bothered by fans all the time. Who knows if Annabelle is going to tell the others about our place, I did break her heart for nothing. I know she is not a mean girl, well, from what I know about her and I really do hope she is going to keep it a secret.

“Niall, snap out of it!”

I turn around and see Liam behind me snapping his fingers. He must have seen my questioned face because he adds “You were zoned out. Is something bothering you?”

“Oh no, I’m fine, I was just thinking about many things at the same time.” I say as I let out a nervous giggle. I really don’t feel well.

He gave me that look. The “I don’t believe you look”. Still, he turned around with balloons in both his hands and hung a couple near the windows.


Its twelve twenty-five and Annabelle hasn’t shown up yet. I tried to call her three times with no response. I still have this weird feeling in my stomach but I can’t tell what it is.

All the boys look at me with sad faces, as if they knew I felt bad. Or maybe they pity me because the only fan I decided to bring home decided not to show up.

I do, feel bad about that though. I mean, I understand that she wouldn’t come after what I did but she could have at least told me? Maybe that’s her revenge, it would make sense. I can’t help but feel bad again, I thought things were okay between us but I guess as soon as we do something bad it can never be truly repaired.  

My stomach is growling and I get this horrible bubbly feeling inside, just when I thought I was feeling better.

“I don’t… Feel well…” I say while running to the bathroom.

I throw up everything I ate for breakfast. When I’m done I rest my face on the toilet bowl, I know, gross. But I don’t have any more energy to do anything else.

I feel a big hand on my shoulder, probably Harry’s but I don’t have the heart to turn around.

“Oh shit, Niall.”

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