The begining.

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" Don't we all deserve to die!" Johnny Depp's (Sweeney todd)voice rang out as he sang the verse from the ephinay as he looked at Helena (Ms.Lovett).

" Cut!" Tim Burton yelled. Johnny lost his gaze at Helena and focused on Tim.

" yes?" Johnny asked

" you don't look at Hel till you 'say look at me Ms.Lovett look at you!' okay?" Tim explained.

"okay" Johnny replied

" well, I think that's enough filming for today" Tim said shutting the giant binder with the script in it. The film crew began putting there equipment up. Johnny, Helena, and Alan Rickman gathered around Tim.

" Tomorrow I want you guys in the recording studio, because I think we need to redo some songs" Tim demanded glancing at Johnny and Helena.

" see you guys tomorrow" Tim said waving his hand back and fourth and walking toward the door.

" I'll be home in a bit honey, I have to get out of costume" Helena yelled as Tim walked out. Johnny started blushing, for no reason.

" you okay love?" Helena asked interrupting Johnny's thoughts.

" yes, yes I'm fine" Johnny answered staring into Helena's big brown eyes.
Helena laughed at his trance in her.

" okay, well I have to go" Helena said excusing herself and hopping off into her dressing room. Johnny kept his eyes locked on her even when the little door closed he still thought of her. Then he wandered into his dressing room, he changed out of his Sweeney costume and back into his clothes. He soon left the dressing room and headed to the parking lot. Only to see Helena opening her car door. Out of the corner of her eye she saw Johnny watching her.

" yes?" She said confused as she say her purse onto the passenger seat.

" oh sorry! That's just a nice car you got there" Johnny hesitated beginning to open his door to get into his car. Helena giggled as she sat down in the drivers seat and got her keys out of her purse. She put the keys into the car and waited to hear the engine hum, but to her surprise she didn't!

" danmit!" she mumbled. She pulled the keys out and got out of the car and looked at Johnny about to drive off.
" wait!" she yelled. Johnny's car stopped quickly. Helena skipped up to the red ford and poked her head into the drivers seat only inches away from Johnny's handsome sculpted face.

" what?" Johnny said in a caring tone. Helena could feel his hot breath wisp across her face.

" Could you give me a ride?" Helena asked starring into Johnny's big brown eyes.

" sure!" Johnny cheered. Helena smiled skipped to her car, grabbed her purse then went back to Johnny's car and hopped into the passenger seat.

"thanks for the ride" Helena giggled placing her purse on the floor.

" no problem" Johnny said pulling out of the parking lot.

" so watcha ben up to?" Johnny asked trying to make conversation.

" nothing really. Filming, taking care of my family, you?" Helena answered starring at Johnny.

" nothing, just filming that's about all" Johnny said as they shared a laugh.
Johnny pulled up to a stop sign, looked both ways then pulled up a bit. Only to see a car come about hundred miles per hour towards them. He slams on the brakes, forcing Helena across the car and on him. She could feel his cheast. They watched as the car passed and they starred at each other for a minute. Then Johnny put his lips on Helena's. She pulled away.

" Johnny?!" She yelled astonished with what just happened.

" I'm sorry I don't know what happened!" He replied not knowing what situation she was referring to. Helena pulled herself off of Johnny and awkwardly sat in the passengers seat occasionally glancing at Johnny. He began driving again.

They arrived at where Helena and Tim where staying while filming.

" thanks for the ride" Helena thanked as she shut the door and walked into the old cute cottage.

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