I love you.

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It was silent in the car as Johnny drive to his house with Helena in the passenger seat. Helena kept thinking about the kiss and what it could've meant. She knew she loved Tim but wasn't sure if she also loved Johnny.

"Why'd you do that?" She demanded. Her voice laid in the air.

"Do what?" Johnny asked confused.

"Kiss me! Do you not remember? Yesterday. You kissed me! Why?!" Helena yelled with a strict angered tone.

"Because.... Because" Johnny hesitated thinking of why and what caused him to do that.

"Because.. I love you Helena! I really do!" He revealed then pulling into his drive way and darted out of the car and into his house, leaving Helena alone in the car.

He loves me? Why? Why would he love a thing like me? I'm nothing special! Helena's thoughts raced through her mind, she wanted to cry but hit Johnny, but she also wanted to kiss him. Maybe she loved him to.

Helena dragged herself out of the car and into the house.

"Johnny?" She yelled meekly. She listened to see if she could hear him. Nothing. She decided to try and find him. She wandered through his house until she found his bedroom and heard the shower on in the bathroom connected to Johnny's room.

"Johnny?" She a asked again.

"Almost done. I'll be out in a minute!" He replied back.

"I'll be in the living room" She said as she exited.

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