Guilty love.

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Helena and Johnny laid together on Johnny's bed.

"I still can't believe we did that" Helena admitted.

"I know." Johnny agreed.

"I'm going to order some Chinese food, you want some?" Johnny offered pulling himself out of bed.

"Sure. I'll have some egg rolls. I'm gonna tell Tim that I'm crashing at your place because my cars at work." Helena answered as she pulled herself off the bed, got her phone then laid back down.

She dialed Tim's number and pressed call.

"Hi honey" Tim's voice rang.

"Hey baby." She greeted back.

"I think I'm going to crash at Johnny's because my cars at work" Helena explained.

"Ok.. If you want me to pick you up I can babe." He offered.

"I think I'll be fine. Johnny's ordering some Chinese and I'll just sleep in the guest room." Helena said trying to cover up that she really just wanted to make out with Johnny again.

"Ok sweetheart. I love you!" He peered.

"I love you to" Helena said feeling guilty.

"See you tomorrow baby" Tim said before he hung up the phone.

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