Chin up princess.

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"Helena what's wrong?" Johnny asked sincerely as he walked over.

"I'm fine. I'm fine" Helena lied.

"Your obviously not fine" Johnny explained putting his hands on Helena's shoulders and pulling her close to him.

"Don't worry about me. I'll be fine, eventually" She sighed.

"Can you at least tell me what's wrong?" Johnny begged rubbing Helena's back.

"I'm in love with my boyfriends best friend. Don't you think there's something wrong with that?!" Helena questioned Johnny and herself.

"Yes, but you can't control your emotions and who you love!" Johnny argued.

"I'm fucking insane" Helena sobbed.

"Where all insane" Johnny said lifting Helena's chin up.

"Chin up princess your tiara is falling" he added.

Helena was able to force a small smile.

A/N: Sorry for the short chapter, the next few will probably be longer. Thank you!!

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