Broken hearts.

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Helena cleared her mind and simple spoke.

"I'm pregnant" She revealed then took a sharp look at Johnny, then to the ground.

The crowd, Tim, Brian, and Johnny all gasped.

"What great news for you and Tim!" Brian cheered.

"It's not Tim's baby.." Helena admitted looking up at Brian trying to hold back her tears.

"Then who's is it..?" Brian asked confused.

A tear escaped Helena's eyes.

"Johnny. It's Johnny's" Helena confessed.

Johnny stood up and left the interview discussion.

Tim didn't know what was happening. He had so many questions, way to many. So many regrets and a broken heart.

Tim's Pov:

Why would Helena do that? Why would she betray me?! How long has she gone behind my back!? What's wrong with her? What's wrong with me?!! Why do I still love her, she slept with my best friend! I guess Johnny's not 100% innocent either, but was I not good enough for Helena? Was I not enough for! I can feel tears forming in my eyes now. I don't know what to feel! I'm mad, but sad. I hate her, but love her. I want to die, but can't! I'm stuck. I'm stuck with my broken heart. I never thought i'd feel this way. For the first time ever, I got my heart broken into a million pieces.

A/N: sorry for the short chapter and for taking so long to upload! The next chapter is taking a lot if time to edit and correct. Thank you for reading :)

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 24, 2014 ⏰

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