Can You Follow the Rules?

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Hello all, and welcome to my review book. These reviews are not for the faint of heart, so if you don't think you can handle one, please take you and your lovely story elsewhere :)


You will submit your story or stories to me and I will add them to the reading list (in the next chapter). Once I get to your story, here are the parts that I will be reading/reviewing:

1. Your title and cover.
2. Your blurb.
3. The first part of your story. (Either the prologue or first chapter. If your prologue is less than 500 words, let me know and I will read the first chapter as well.)

When I am done reading, I will post a review for your story in this book about my FIRST IMPRESSIONS of your story. Do not expect me to read past your prologue/first chapter, because these reviews are only for the opening of your story.

These reviews are meant to help you with hooking in readers for your story. We all know, if a story doesn't grab our attention at the beginning, we aren't likely to continue reading it. Well, now I'm here to let you know whether or not your story accomplishes this!

Therefore, within each review, I will let you know if your story has me HOOKED, or if your story has SUNK. These ratings are essentially a "pass" or a "fail" for your story.


How can you get me to read your story? It's simple; all you need to do is fill out the submission form below and post it in the comment section on THIS CHAPTER.



If you fail to submit the form properly, then your story won't be considered for a review, so if you have any questions ask away!


Anything that is posted in this review book is entirely MY OPINION. No, I am not a professional reviewer/editor of any kind, but I've read my fair share of stories and I'd like to think that I have a well rounded opinion when it comes to writing. If you don't agree with something posted in this book, that's fine because that's your own opinion, but please do not take things personally. If you sign up for a review, you're going to get my brutal and honest opinion.

I love all y'all and I think you're great and I think you should never stop writing no matter what. So let's have fun! Don't take everything too seriously!

Due to my long list of requests, it may take me some time to get to your story. Feel free to edit it while you're waiting for my review. But, remember, I have a life too, and I'm trying my hardest to get through all of the reviews and to give each story a fair amount of time and attention. Thanks!

Any questions? Feel free to ask in the comments ;)

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