That Thing Between You and Me

847 41 4

Genre: ChickLit/Teen Fiction/Mystery (a little of everything)

Author: Ridhima

It's a mouth full, but I like the sound of it. It sounds mysterious and gets me thinking: "What is this 'thing' between you? I must know!"

Awesome and professional. Enough said.

Also very professionally done. My only complaint (I always gotta find something to complain about) is that a couple of sentences in there sound a bit awkward and could be reworked. Otherwise, your blurb has gotten me totally pumped to read this story. Let's do this!

I read: Prologue and 01. The Girl Who Died
Honestly, I don't have very much to say about this story because it was just so great! I read the prologue as well as the first chapter because they were both relatively short.

The prologue was just awesome. I love that you're already setting up characters, without dumping a ton of information on us, like some prologues tend to do. By the end of the prologue, I really wanted to know what was going to happen next.

I loved the contrast between the prologue and the first chapter. Where the prologue was dark and mysterious, the first chapter was a fun and lovely introduction to the (I'm assuming) main character. I already love Mallory and the dynamic she has with her brother.

Yes, there are a few typos and grammar mistakes, but they aren't significant enough to draw me away from the story and they could be easily fixed.

Truthfully, I don't have much more to say about your story because I found myself instantly sucked into it—which is exactly what you want! Your writing is polished, your characters so far are interesting and believable, and your plot is intriguing. I'm excited to continue reading this story and see where it's headed!

As far as I can tell, you've done everything right. I was pulled into your story right away and found myself wanting to know what was going to happen next. Awesome!

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