The Fire In My Veins

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Genre: Mystery/Thriller

Author: Frostie Whinery

Sounds pretty wicked cool and instantly sparks my interest.

Beautifully done. I can't find anything wrong here.

I'm not always a fan of including text from your story in a blurb, but I like this! It gives the reader enough insight into what's going to be in your story without being too long. You picked a very relevant section of your story for the blurb, and it even ends on a mysterious note, which certainly makes me want to open up your book and find out what happens next!

I read: Prologue and One | Feed the Fire
Immediate impression: Yessssss! Delicious imagery, and absolutely no grammar mistakes. I'm practically drooling.

Holy heck yes. That is one intense prologue. I don't even have the words to describe how much I enjoyed reading it. You, sir, are talented.

The ONLY thing I have to say is that there was one random paragraph in the middle of it that wasn't italicized. Was that intentional? Because it didn't seem like it was. Otherwise, your prologue is perfect.

On to the first chapter. In one word: Superb. I don't have one single thing to complain about here. You have made my life so easy, I might shed a tear of joy.

Your writing style is magnificently crafted, and you clearly know where you're headed with this story. You have hit all the marks. It's well written, well edited, and I can already tell that it's going to have a killer (and original) plot. I'm absolutely captivated by this story already.

By the end of the first chapter, my head was ringing with the phrase "I NEED MORE." I was just as anxious as Emilyn to figure out what's really going on. You know what you're doing, and you're doing it well, my friend.


This is some quality writing and a quality story, and it deserves all the attention it can get. Well done!

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