The Day It All Went Down

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The year of 2010 (age 12 years old)

Your P.O.V

I arise to the voice of Melony telling me to get up while she unlocks the chains that are around my door frame, that way I can begin my daily duties that I have to do every morning. 'Honestly I wish I would have never been caught up in this adoption place, I can leave but whats the point wear would I go? Why dif my parents abandon me at a young age in front of this shit hole, and your so young so you got no choice'. Honestly everyone thinks it's a good place but if you ask me it's a shit hole. Especially because I'm the only one they treat like shit, all because I'm different then everyone else. I have to do everything, basically cinderella and it's been that way sense Melony found me. I sigh getting up as I put on a Hollywood Undead tank top, a pair of black ripped Jean's and some gothic style platform boots that went up to the bottom of my knee cap after going through all my clothes.

      I have these special abilities, I dont know how either, all I know is my mom was not human and my dad was. I am glad I have them I wouldn't have half the shit I have if it wasnt for them. I dont like to use them unless I have to which rarely happens. I do my makeup, clean my piercings, grab my headphones and phone. One good perk is all of us have a phone, so we can contact Melony when shes away on her vacations. It sucks cause Ricky is in charge and he does bad stuff to the boys. When I finally finish I sigh walking out of my hell hole, because it's not a bedroom. I walk down the stairs looking at the kids who are talking with families in the visiting room, I look at them with a jealous look. I wish I could be adopted, I dont care by who just a family who will love and care for me.

     Melony stares at me with an angry look. "There you are, your late"! She says smacking me across my face, I stand there my hair covering my eyes. You think I would be used to the pain by now, especially because it's been going on for years. But nope, even after years I'm still not used to the pain. I could kill her but these kids need to be looked after even if she does a shitty job. "Dont just stand there, get to work you little demon". She says to me walking away to which I scoff and put in my music. I blast Young by Hollywood Undead through my headphones as I walk into the kitchen. I sigh at the piles of dishes from this morning breakfast. I begin to straighten the plates up looking for any left over food. Meleony does not feed me much cause she says 'demons' don't deserve food, but I get at least a meal every five days, so I guess its not to bad. I sigh realizing theres none as my stomach growls but I ignore it and clean. I sing along with the song as I scrub off each plate making sure they are all clean.

    The song soon ends and believe by Hollywood Undead comes on, I begin to sing as I listen to the lyrics. "If I went out the back door, nobody would stop me, but wear would I go". I begin to sing and then space out thinking, why didn't I think of just running away and seeing wear life takes me'? I just need to find some way to get some money from Melony. I think for a second and then smirk as I begin to whistle. Just then my boa constrictor comes slithering into the kitchen. I smile as I watch her slither over to me, I found her one day when I snuck outside to go see the stars. I named her Storm, shes all white and her scales are blue. It's cool cause the white fades into the blue, she is very beautiful and her eyes are Sapphire blue. Weird right? I've never seen a snake like her ever so when I found her by a trash can I was surprised, shocked even.

     I kinda wonder wear shes from because I know for a fact theres not another one of her out there. She doesn't know either shes been on her own sense as long as she can remember or that's what she told me. Maybe that's why we get along so well, were sorta similar in a way. She makes it to me and holds herself up to my level. "Hey beautiful girl" I say kissing her nose as she kisses me back with her tongue. "I need you to do something for me"? I ask her and she nods, "can you steal some money from Melony"? I ask her,  she tilts her head, 'I can but ssssssshe won't leave her pursssssssse anywhere thatssssss not on her body'. She says telepathically to me. I nod understanding her situation. Oh right, one of my many abilities is telepathy, that includes animals not just humans, excluding insects. "Would you try for me? I need to get out of here". I say with pleading eyes, I'm desprit at this point. 'Yesssssss I will jusssssst give me time'. She says again slithering away to which I nod and thank her before getting back to work.

~a few hours later~

     I lay there on my bed looking at the money in my hand thinking about this decision. Even if I get a cab wear would I go? I sigh deciding to worry about it when It comes time. I begin packing everything I have in my two suitcases and my backpack. After about an hour I finally have everything packed and ready to go. I look at Storm who is laying there watching me, "I hope you dont mind my decision". I say to her zipping up the last suitcase, 'not at all, if I wasssss in your posssssssition I would run away to, I jusssssssst hope thissssss choice doesssssn't sssssssscrew you over in the long run'. She responds to which I nod, "well now all we got to do is wait for night fall and we will sneak out through the hole in my floor, and your sure it's a tunnel out of here"?

     I ask unsure looking at her to which she nods. 'How do you think I get in and out of your room when I need to hunt'? I stop and think about it once again nodding not sure what to say. I listen to Hollywood Undead to pass the time while I wait for night fall to come sense all my chores are done. Once they are I'm locked back in my room it truly does suck. I've been put through hell there and I have the scars all over my body head to toe for proof minus my face. I sing along with the music laying on my bed as time slowly goes by.

Hope you like it so far, stay tuned for more ^~^

~Shadow Hearts

Word Count:1223

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