Chapter 5

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Disclaimer: I don't own Fullmetal Alchemist

Chapter 5

The next morning Roy woke early to find himself lying in Ed's bed with a sick child curled up close to him. Careful not to disturb him, Roy rose silently out of the bed and headed for the door, cursing the floorboards as they creaked under his weight. If Ed woke up because of them-

-but by the time Roy decided the punishments the floor shall receive he was already downstairs and standing in the kitchen. His dark gaze scanned the untidiness and a sigh escaped him. If only he had a woman...Soon she'll be his. Roy became dreamy eyed as he thought about the woman he loved but he knew it was never going to happen.

I'm nothing more than a commanding officer. Nothing closer than that. He sighed again. The woman was so close yet his dream failed to gain an existence. Maybe one day. Perhaps after we've settled down? It was useless to wonder about a future that seemed so far off so he pushed the thought aside and focused more on the present that he faced.

Using whatever was in the house, Roy set off to work on Ed's breakfast. His cooking skills were below average, and by bellow average he meant below average. It wouldn't surprise him if Elicia was able to cook a more edible meal with less eggshells. However, since he was forced to cook now instead of eating out, he slaved over pans and chopped food until he was able to create a meal that wasn't toxic.

Finally finished setting up Ed's plate, Roy grabbed the medicine and headed upstairs, not even thinking twice about the creaking floorboards.

The first thing he saw after entering Ed's room was the way the boy was sleeping. Half his blanket had fallen to the ground and half of his stomach was exposed. He was lying on his back, a small trail of drool running from his open mouth and down his chin. He just looked peaceful and Roy would have been a cold-hearted monster if he woke him. Still, Ed needed to take his medicine. If he wanted any chances of surviving the illness he had to take the medication around the same time each day so he had to wake up now. He could sleep later.

Reluctantly stretching out his arm, Roy prodded Ed's flesh shoulder softly. When Ed didn't respond he was somewhat relieved that the boy was still sleeping but when a small groan broke into his thoughts he didn't know what to think. It was a good thing that Ed was awake, right? But weren't sick children suppose to get a lot of sleep?

"What?" Came the sleepy groan and Ed tried to pull the blanket over his face but failed when Roy took it away from him. "Hey! Give it back," Ed protested, his voice nothing more than a sleep stricken mumble.

Better do it while Ed's still half asleep. Roy took the needle in one hand and held Ed's arm tightly before pushing the tip past the layer of skin and injecting the medicine into his bloodstream. Ed never seemed to notice. After discarding the now useless syringe, Roy told Ed to sit up and then handed the glass of water and two pills to the boy.

"Take them quickly," he urged as Edward took a large gulp of water and ingested the bitter pills. "Never again," he vowed before allowing himself to fall into the mattress with a small thud and ripping the blanket out of Roy's hands. "Next time don't take it out on the blanket. It had nothing to do with it."

Roy sighed. Still the same old Ed. In about ten minutes the medicine would kick in and he would be pretty much out of it for an hour or so before he gets use to it. So he'd better eat his breakfast soon. Roy once again shook Ed's shoulder gently, earning a disapproving glare from the sick boy.

"What'd ya have to do that for?" He demanded. His eyes narrowed as he waited for Roy to answer.

"You have to eat," Roy said, his voice ordering. "I've made you some breakfast. It's downstairs."

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