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Luke has a little bit of a separation anxiety problem. He's always had it. When he was a kid, it didn't matter how bad his parents treated him, he needed them. He was scared without them.

That's how he is with Michael now.

He didn't get scared when he was by himself for a while, but Michael has just been gone for so long.

He felt really lonely.

Luke looked like a sad puppy as he sat on the couch, waiting for Michael to finally come home.

Luke was about to walk upstairs to change into one of Michael's sweaters, (It calms him down), but when he walked past the door, he saw Michael sitting on the porch, smoking a cigarette.

He quickly walked to the door and opened it.

"Michael, how long have you been here?" Luke asked, so Michael turned around.

"About twenty minutes. Luke, please go inside." Michael said, not wanting to have to take Luke to the hospital for breathing in a lot of smoke.

"Can you please come inside? I- um.. I really want you to hold me." He said softly.

"Are you okay?" Michael asked.

Luke softly nodded, scratching his arm. He nervously looked around, and couldn't focus on anything. Michael knew he felt anxious.

Michael stood up, and walked back inside with Luke. "Just let me take a shower and brush my teeth and st-"

"Can I come?" Luke asked. He couldn't take one more minute away from Michael.

Michael nodded, taking Luke's hand as he put the cigarette in the ash tray.

They walked up the stairs together, and Michael brushed his teeth thoroughly as Luke started the shower.

When Michael looked back, Luke's clothes were in a pile on the floor.

Michael removed his clothes also, stepping in behind Luke.

The blonde boy turned around and laid his head on Michael's shoulder. He let the water run down his back as Michael softly ran his hand through Luke's hair.

Luke felt himself calm down as the smell of smoke disappeared and Michael's lips touched his.

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