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Michael was always too busy to see what was going on. He always had a cigarette to smoke.

Luke sat in a corner of their bedroom, sobbing furiously into his knees.

He wanted to run outside and tell Michael to come convince him he's okay, but Michael would have to take a shower and brush his teeth before he could even ask Luke what's wrong, and by then, the damage would've already been done.

He can't be alone like this. He really needs Michael, but the nicotine is more important to Michael.

Michael is Luke's nicotine.

Michael smokes to relieve his stress, and to calm him down when he gets anxious.

Luke needs Michael when he has anxiety.

When Luke's left alone like this, he gets lost in his thoughts. He depends on Michael, but recently he hasn't gotten what he needs from Michael. He's gotten a kiss on the forehead in the morning, and a kiss before bed. It might seem likes he's asking a lot, but Luke needs more of Michael's attention.

Michael's heart broke at the sight of Luke. His baby sat there pulling at his hair, sobbing. He obviously needed Michael, but he can't get near him right now.

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