After Aurora's party

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Back at the castle. Inside the castle in Aurora's room. Queen Leah picked up Aurora out of her cradle. While she was carrying Aurora, she walked over to the rocking chair.
She said," Oh don't worry dear hopefully you'll be ok. I hope so."
Aurora's dad walked in the room he saw that his wife was crying. He walked over to his wife.
He said,"Hi Sweetie."
The queen looked at her husband.
She said,"Oh honey. I'm just so worried about this curse."
The king said,"I know. I am too."
The queen said," Just look at our daughter. She's so adorable and beautiful. I can't stand it to loss our precious daughter."
The king said,"I know. Me too."
The queen stood up and walked over to him. She leaned against him just crying. He rapped his arm around her. He was just looking at her and his daughter. King Hubert and prince Phillip walked into the room. King Stefan and queen Leah turned around, to see who walked into the room.
King Hubert said,"Hey buddy can I talk to you for a minute?"
King Stefan said," Uh yeah sure."
Queen Leah walked over to Aurora's cradle and put Aurora back in her cradle. She walked over to the rocking chair and grabbed a book to read. Prince Phillip got bored listening to his dad and King Stefan talk. He decided to walk around in Aurora's room. He saw that the queen was reading a book in the rocking chair and still his dad was talking to king Stefan. Phillip walked over to Aurora's cradle because he wanted to see the princess one last time before he had to go. He looked at Aurora. Aurora was getting ready to fall asleep. She was wearing her pink pajamas that said the word love on it.
Phillip said," Hello again Aurora."
Aurora was trying her best to keep her eyes open because she heard the boy that talked to her at the party.
Phillip said," You seem tired princess."
Aurora put her right arm out to the side. Phillip looked to see what she was doing. He smiled and laughed a little.
He said," Oh I know what you want."
Aurora smiled. Phillip put his hand on Aurora. Aurora rapped her hand around Phillip's pointer finger. He smiled. She fell asleep. He had to leave, but before he did he had to do something. He bent down close to Aurora's ear.  He said,"Sleep tight princess."
He went to where Aurora's forehead was and kissed her their.
He said,"Goodbye beautiful princess. I hope to see you again."
As soon as he walked away, Aurora's and Phillip's hand's separated. Phillip walked back over to his dad. King Hubert said," Ok see you later buddy."
King Stefan said,"Ok."
The two king's gave each other a hug. Prince Phillip and King Hubert went home. King Stefan and Queen Leah walked over to Aurora's cradle. Fairy dust started coming down into the room. The three good fairies came into the room.
They all said," Hello your Majesty's "
Queen Leah and King Stefan both said," Hi you three."
Flora said," Your Majesty's we wanted to just come talk to you about something."
Queen Leah and King Stefan looked at each other.
They said,"Ok."
King Stefan and queen Leah walked over to the fairies.
Queen Leah said," So what's up dear's?"
Flora said," Ok. We don't know if you are gonna let us do this or not, but we thought maybe if we could like take care of the princess for sixteen years? Until her sixteenth birthday. We bring her back home. All we want to do is just like you know help hide her because if the princess stays in here for sixteen years it's more than likely that Maleficent is gonna be able to find her you know."
Queen Leah said," Uh Stefan dear can I talk to you for a minute?"
Stefan said," Yeah. Sure honey."
He looked at the fairies.
Stefan said," We'll be right back three fairies."
Flora said,"Ok."
King Stefan and Queen Leah walked into their bedroom.
Queen Leah said," I don't know about this honey."
King Stefan said," Oh come on honey you know it's probably best for our daughter. You do want what's best for her right?"
Queen Leah said," Of course I do want what's best for her honey, but I just you know feel like we're losing our daughter honey."
King Stefan said," I know, I feel that way too, but we have to do what's right."
Queen Leah nodded.
She said," I hope I just don't feel like I failed as a mother."
King Stefan gave her a hug.
He said," Shshsh. Honey don't say that. You know that your not."
She said," I know. I just."
He said,"Come here."
She leaned against him just crying.
He said," It's gonna be ok."
She wiped her tears from her eyes.
She said," Ok. Honey let's go talk to them."
He said," Ok. Honey you feel better now?"
She said," Yeah."
He said," Ok."
They went back into Aurora's room to talk to the fairies.
Flora said," Hi."
Queen Leah said," Hi."
King Stefan stood next to his wife.
Queen Leah said," Ok. So we talked about it and we figured that this would probably be best for her to be with you girls because you will be trying to hide her."
Flora said," Yes."
Queen Leah said,"So..."
Flora said," We promise we will take really good care of her and we'll bring her back on her sixteenth birthday."
Queen Leah said," You have our word."
Flora said," Ok."
Queen Leah said," But do you mind if we say goodbye to her for a minute?"
Flora said," Not at all your Majesty's. Take your time."
Queen Leah said,"Ok."
Queen Leah and King Stefan walked over to Aurora's cradle. Queen Leah picked up Aurora out of her cradle.
She said," Oh love we're gonna miss you so much."
King Stefan said," Indeed we will."
Queen Leah said," We Love you sweet heart."
Queen Leah carried princess Aurora down the stairs.
Queen Leah said," Can you carry her for a minute honey?"
King Stefan said," Yes. Of course."
Queen Leah took off her necklace. She rapped it around Aurora's neck.
She said," This necklace is for you my dear. So you can think of us. When you wear it and we will always be with you even though you can't see us, but we are with you in your heart dear."
Flora walked over.
She said," You Ready?"
Queen Leah said," Yes."
She said," Honey can I hold her one last time?"
King Stefan said," Yes Hon."
He put Aurora in his wife's arms.
Queen Leah said," We love you sweet heart and remember you are a princess."
She gave Aurora a hug and a kiss.
She said," Goodbye love."
She gave Flora Aurora. Queen Leah walked back to King Stefan.
Flora said,"Ok. Let's go."
Queen Leah and King Stefan watched as their only child disappeared into the night.

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